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Do you Kindle?

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  • Do you Kindle?

    Do you use a Kindle or other electronic eBook reader? if you do simple reply to this thread and tell me which eReader you use and you will be the first people we tell about our up coming publications for these devices.

    The first book should be published within the next 14 days with others to follow shortly afterwards.

  • #2
    bought a kindle a few weeks ago. its awesome. needs a russian keyboard tho, it would be useful here in zambia


    • #3
      Love my kindle.

      The fast and the furious,
      The slow and labourious,
      All of us, glorious parts of the whole!


      • #4
        I got a Kindle late last year, its great!


        • #5
          not got one but seriously thinking of getting a 3g kindle. had to sort out the next door neighbours Sony reader and that was a pain getting the waterstones downloads to work on it.


          • #6
            I would not bother too much with the 3G verson!

            Lots of reasons for this, the only way I would use the 3G is if I was not near a wireless signal for long periods of time which I am not (Lots of public wifi spots when you are on the move these days) and the only reason would be to use it for the blogs and newspaper subscriptions. The 3G version costs and extra £60 I think it is and it costs you to email yourself with documents sent over 3g instead whilst it is free over wireless.

            Get one of these instead of the 3G version -

            You can then also connect a laptop, iPad etc to it when you are traveling.


            • #7
              The Snooker Blog is now available for your kindle -

              Select Shop in Kindle Store form your devices menu, then select blogs and type in "The Snooker Blog" into the search bar.

              Amazon for some reason charge £2 a month but you can get a 14 day free trial to check it out first, I did want to put the blog put for FREE but Amazon don't allow me to do this so my second choice was putting it out at 99p a month but they have also restricted this although there are lots of blogs out there for 99p, from reading the Amazon forums it is a volume thing! if we get a lot of subscribers they will put the price down. All profit after Amazon take their cut will goto The Paul Hunter Foundation.

              I will make a blog post about this later today and add some screen shots of what the blog looks like on The Kindle.


              • #8
                someones up early lol would like to see the screen shots when you get a chance.

                got to read up on the kindle before i commit to buy one, i read allot of novels and so does the day shift driver(im a taxi driver)we usually swap books about, thing is im not sure if we could download them again onto each others kindles as he is considering getting one as well. off topic i know but on my third book of the jo nesbo series and really enjoying them if you looking for a good read try them out.

