Originally Posted by vmax4steve
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Your analogy to tennis is incorrect because tennis is not snooker (obviously) but more importantly different skills and abilities are required. Tennis is an example where 'gross' motor skills are involved, those involving strength and speed, both of which I agree, men are (on average) better than women. But, snooker is not about gross motor skills, but instead about 'fine' motor co-ordination and there is evidence that women are in fact better at fine motor skills than men.
Doing a google search just now finds some interesting and possibly contradictory results. Both articles linked below are from 1992~ish and well referenced, so should be considered fairly solid pieces of evidence. I would like to see a more recent study however.
"On average, men are better at gross motor skills requiring speed and force, from running and jumping to throwing objects (Fisher, 1992)"
-- (Silverman & Eals, 1992)
"Women on the other hand, average better "fine" motor coordination, manipulating tiny objects with ease (Fisher, 1992). They are also usually superior at spatial locations..."
-- (Fisher, 1992)
"Boys also have the superior hand-eye co-ordination necessary for ball sports. Those same skills mean that they can more easily imagine, alter, and rotate an object in their mind's eye."
-- by Anne Moir, Ph.D. and David Jessel. Dell Publishing (paperback), New York, 1992
So, I would argue that snooker is fine motor co-ordination, which would give women a slight advantage (on average).
But, to put that in context, this is just one factor and I would say it is not the most significant reason why there are less women playing snooker. I think the fact that women just aren't interested in it has a far greater effect. Likewise, the fact that women who may have an interest are not encouraged, or given the necessary support to develop the skills necessary .. again, of far more importance, and effect IMO.