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Why do players get worse as they get older, in snooker?

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  • Why do players get worse as they get older, in snooker?

    In sports like athletics/tennis i can understand that age affects performance.

    But in snooker, why age will affect performance? Players such as Hendry, Davis, Doherty, all can knock in centuries, 147, but for their off-peak performance, is it really something to do with age? Is it something else rather?

  • #2
    I suspect concentration is what suffers as you get older and perhaps some physical deterioration also affects the older you get.

    I have noticed in my own game that I no longer can hold good concentration like I used to 20+ years ago.

    Although cue sports are not physically strenuous they are mentally, especially over long distances which all the major tournaments are.


    • #3
      eyesight can become a problem, as can the ability to be as precise with the same degree of power, plus the mental side of things as mentioned above.
      "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
      - Linus Pauling


      • #4
        As said above and also the elder players also have more responsibilities (family, etc), so cannot put in as much practice as their younger competitors.
        You are only the best on the day you win.


        • #5
          Players like Ali Carte,Peter Ebdon are playing some of there best snooker as they are getting old.
          And Mark williams,John Higgins are equally good as there peak time if not better.
          My deep screw shot


          • #6
            It's just commentators generalization's,John Higgins or O'Sullivan can win the world championship in 2025 if they wanted to,the same couldnt be said of any 70's or 80's pro in say the year 2000 because they weren't good enough.
            Don't forget commentators know prior generations werent quite as good as today they just dont want to sound in any way disrespectful.


            • #7
              I'm afraid I can't see Ronnie or Higgins winning the World in 2025 - that's fourteen years from now and they'll be 49 years old - absolutely no chance in hell. Hendry has only just touched 40 and it's been years since he's been a winner.

              The explanation of older players tailing off is an amalgamation of everything that's been mentioned. Eyesight, concentration, a waning of the passion and dedication they once had, less stamina, more distractions(family etc).

              I know I was at my peak before, after and around the millennium, when I was in my early 30's. Up to that point in time, most players are getting better, then it slowly turns and they start gradually getting worse.
              I often use large words I don't really understand in an attempt to appear more photosynthesis.


              • #8
                Originally Posted by magicman View Post
                I'm afraid I can't see Ronnie or Higgins winning the World in 2025 - that's fourteen years from now and they'll be 49 years old - absolutely no chance in hell. Hendry has only just touched 40 and it's been years since he's been a winner.
                Not saying your right or wrong but you might be equating them to players of the past,my point is because they're better than past players(and imo better than Hendry) their ability and determination could land them another world title then if they were hungry enough is all.


                • #9
                  "SUSTAINED concentration, is the main reason , when you are younger you have less life history , as you get older all life's worries are at the back of your mind. Plus you remember all your defeat's , couple this with your changing posture [ putting on weight around the waist ] the eyes start going , it all adds up.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by trains View Post
                    Not saying your right or wrong but you might be equating them to players of the past,my point is because they're better than past players(and imo better than Hendry) their ability and determination could land them another world title then if they were hungry enough is all.
                    As said by Magic Man, no chance. Higgins will still be lingering around the top 16 much like Davis was and Hendry is, but winning world titles??? Really??? Both of these have maybe 5 more years at the real top level, before they are being relegated to semi final and quarter final defeats ala Hendry.
                    There is no reason either shouldn't still pose a major threat to titles in 10 years, but I think it will not be likely. At the moment, they both have vast experience in their armoury, as well as excellent ability. The fact is, a lot of the time, it is their experience that pushes them over the line against players in the tight matches. Players like Selby, Trump, Ding, etc are all as good standard wise, but all lack the experience to get them "home" when it really matters. When they have this experience, I think you will see another "changing of the guard", and out will go the Hendry's, higgins', ronnies etc to make way for the next generation.

                    In response to actual point in question, I think a multitude of factors aid in the downward slope of players. Things such as eyesight deteriorating, family commitments, slight changes in posture or aches and pains that cause this, lack of dedication, lack of incentive, and inability to hold long term concerntration all contribute.
                    Each player would have a different main reason for there game waining, but I think these would be the main causes.
                    If you want to play the pink, but you're hampered by the red, you could always try to play the brown!


                    • #11
                      I think we'll just have to wait and see. Hendry is just one example. Not everyone has to follow. There has been so much talk about 40 years being some magical limit that players may just subconsciously start to believe it. If Higgins and O'Sullivan refuse to believe in this 40 years old myth and their cue action, sighting and determination holds on, there's simply no way to predict what's going to happen in 15 years time. They have won with wives, children and other types of distractions already. Who's to say they cannot win in 10 years time? Ok, they will not not last forever, that's for certain, but to say that they only have about 5 years left of absolute top level snooker is too bald of a statement. We just don't know that. Time will tell.


                      • #12
                        I think the main reason is almost every player except perhaps Steve Davis has some kind of 'glitch' in their cue actions which took really excellent hand-eye coordination and timing to control but over time these deteriorate and if they don't take that glitch out of their cue actions the level of their game will decrease.

                        But I agree that's not the only reason and I think motiviation and determination (one leads to the other) are the other factors. The distractions of family responsibility may not be as big a factor since John Higgins had both his News of the World troubles and also his father passing but he still managed to win this year. If a pro is still motivated and also gets his technique down to the fewest moving parts I believe he can still play top level snooker at 50 years of age. After that it becomes really difficult to keep the timing and rhythm going well

                        Terry Davidson
                        IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                        • #13
                          Getting old is the reason, everything changes, your eyesight, your fitness, your body shape, your concentration, your motivation, your sex drive, your reason for getting up in the morning.


                          • #14
                            I agree as you get older your eye sight changes, your joints stiffen, your concentration wanes but above all I think your confidence levels drop to the point where you no longer feel you can do what you once could especially shots that get you back on track when the cue ball is out of position. I notice Steve Davis doesn't pot long balls like he used to.
                            I read Doug Mountjoy is playing in the seniors tournament this year he is 69, and still knocking in century breaks in practice. I wonder how he goes in tournament conditions?


                            • #15
                              OMG This is depressing
                              Point is for all above reasons, but when an older player puts a quick one in they just dont recover as quickly from it???

                              Every player can miss anything\take there eye off the ball but when an older player does its ooooo.
                              This is planting seeds of doubt adding to the battle scars they have already acumulated over the years, its subconscious assassination.

                              Taking all the points you have all made into consideration i cant see why any player cannot continue, as long as they can get there head right!

