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Which snooker club do you play in? and what is the standard like for the best players

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  • Which snooker club do you play in? and what is the standard like for the best players

    I used to play in Rainbow club in manchester over 10 years ago. I played in my uncle's house since then , as he installed his own table.

    The best amaterus player in the club could make around 80 break.

    I have seen Nick Dyson, came down to the club, opened his case and took his cue out, his opponent break off, Nick make a long red and made a 147 clearance. Absolutuly amazing to watch.

    Which snooker club do you play in? and what is the standard like for the best players? (maybe the best player is you?)

    Thanks for sharing...irrespective of whatever countries you are in

  • #2
    I used to play in the Rainbow in Manchester ( it was called the demerara before) about 20 years ago. Lots of really good players played in there . Pete Donegan , Tony Pierucci, Jimmy O`shea, Paddy Browne and a few other century break players. We had a good league team playing and winning the manchester league usually. I also used to have some pretty good drinking partners in there. Good days!


    • #3
      in france there's not so many clubs so it's difficult , and most of them got really poor tables with "dead" cloth and cushions
      fortunatly a friend of mine as a table at home , but it's an hour drive ....
      when i go to london i play at hurricane room's , got a member card


      • #4
        is the rainbow club still going??? not heard that name for years!!!!!


        • #5
          yeah its still goin


          • #6
            Atack Snooker Club in Nuneaton.

            The top player in our club is Chris Wakelin who has just earned his main tour place.

