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Snooker rule question…

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  • Snooker rule question…


    Whilst playing at the weekend a couple of situations occurred that I’d appreciate some clarification on.

    First, if the striker pots 2 reds from one single stroke is it a valid shot or a foul? Even though it looked impressive my interpretation is that it would be a foul as no alternate colour was called or played after the first red entered the pocket?

    Second question is, if the last red is potted and the cue ball rebounds from the shot to pot the yellow directly after (again one single shot) would this constitute a foul?


  • #2
    Firstly potting two reds in one shot is fine. No foul. Score of 2 points....then pot colour as normal.

    Secondly, yes, thats a 4 point foul. Yellow back on spot...
    Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


    • #3
      1. Potting two reds on one shot - no foul, score 2 points, Turn continues, colours now On.
      2. Yellow pocketed after Red potted - foul, no score for the Red, Four Away to opponent, Red stays off the table, Yellow is respotted, end of Turn.
      Up the TSF! :snooker:


      • #4
        Perfect, thanks!


        • #5
          i agree with the above replies.

          S3 r3(f) covers the two reds being potted:
          (f) For the first stroke of each turn, until all Reds are off the table, Red or a free ball nominated as a Red is the ball on, and the value of each Red and any free ball nominated as a Red, potted in the same stroke, is scored.

          The yellow going in after potting the last red is a foul covered by the definition of a stroke in S2, and in particular note when a stroke ends:
          6. Stroke
          (a) A stroke is made when the striker strikes the cue-ball with the tip of the cue.
          (b) A stroke is fair when no infringement of Rule is made.
          (c) A stroke is not completed until:
          (i) all balls have come to rest;
          (ii) the striker has stood up, in readiness for a succeeding stroke, or leaving the table;
          (iii) any equipment being used by the striker has been removed from a hazardous position; and
          (iv) the referee has called any score relevant to the stroke....

          The yellow is not a 'ball on' for this stroke (ie it could not be legally it first by the cue ball), and, causing a ball not on to enter a pocket is a foul, the penalty for which is specifically stated in s3 r10(b)as being the value of the ball on or ball concerned, whichever is higher.
          Last edited by Souwester; 3 January 2012, 03:00 PM.


          • #6
            It is perhaps worth mentioning that, once all reds have gone, and you have a free ball, and you manage to pot both the free ball and the ball on, then onlyh the value of the ball on is scored. For example, only the colours left on the table... black is nominated as free ball but both yellow and black enter the pocket... this is a fair shot, but only scores two points. The yellow stays down and the black is spotted.

            See s3 r12(e):
            (e) If both the nominated ball and a ball on are potted, only the ball on is scored unless it was a Red, when each ball potted is scored. The free ball is then spotted and the ball on remains off the table.


            • #7
              I have a question for you Souwester or anybody come to think of it......

              So if only the colours were left on the table and the yellow was the ball in play your opponent then fouls and leaves you a free ball, but the yellow is snookered behind one of the other colours lets say the black for instance. Could you then nominate the black as your free and plant it onto the yellow and pot it??
              Last edited by coomsey76; 3 January 2012, 05:54 PM.
              Winner of 2011 Masters Fantasy game......
              Winner of 2011 World Championship Fantasy game.......


              • #8
                You certainly can, just the same as doing a plant with the reds. Just make sure tho that you pot the yellow, as if it wobbles and you snooker him back behind the black, that would be a foul shot as you cannot snooker someone behind a fee ball (except when only pink and black left) but you knew that didn't you ?


                • #9
                  Some good information here, thanks to eveyone... looks like my oponent was right but being honest we were both unsure


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                    You certainly can, just the same as doing a plant with the reds. Just make sure tho that you pot the yellow, as if it wobbles and you snooker him back behind the black, that would be a foul shot as you cannot snooker someone behind a fee ball (except when only pink and black left) but you knew that didn't you ?
                    Cheers bud, yeah I know you can't snooker behind a free ball bit...... but I was just unsure about the plant with a nominated free ball when you was on the colours!!:snooker:

                    Sorry to hijack your thread alittle EdCarroll....
                    Last edited by coomsey76; 3 January 2012, 06:35 PM.
                    Winner of 2011 Masters Fantasy game......
                    Winner of 2011 World Championship Fantasy game.......


                    • #11
                      Been a good read, I have just learnt some useful information which I, as a newbie will be able to take to the table.

                      Many thanks to all posters

                      - Mark


                      • #12
                        You can certainly play a plant from the nominated ball to the ball on. The ball on remains the ball on regardless of whether you nominate another colour as the ball on, and that's why it is not a foul if you pot both the ball on and a nominated ball in the same shot.

                        Of course, the proviso is that if you nominate another ball as a free ball, then you *must* first hit that ball before hitting any other ball, including the ball on. Imagine that the yellow is in the jaws of a corner pocket, with black immediately in fron of. You have a free ball and nominate black. As long as you hit the black first, it would be a fair stroke if the black is a plant onto the yellow and yellow and/or black are potted.

                        However, reverse those balls such that black is hanging over the pocket with yellow immediately in front of it. You cannot see all the the yellow, hence you have a free ball. If you nominate black as your free ball, it would be a foul if you first hit the yellow which planst the black into the pocket.

