This situation has always baffled me a bit.
All the colours are on their spots, you have potted a red and now your going for the black and playing it to open up the pack.
You pot the black and the reds spread really well, a red lands on the black spot, their is also a a cluster of reds behind the black spot which doesn't allow you to put the black back on its own spot or directly behind its own spot. All the other colours have remained on their spots.
Where does the black go ? Does it go in front of the black spot in a straight line and as near as possible to its own spot seeing as you can't put it on its own spot or directly behind the black spot ?
All the colours are on their spots, you have potted a red and now your going for the black and playing it to open up the pack.
You pot the black and the reds spread really well, a red lands on the black spot, their is also a a cluster of reds behind the black spot which doesn't allow you to put the black back on its own spot or directly behind its own spot. All the other colours have remained on their spots.
Where does the black go ? Does it go in front of the black spot in a straight line and as near as possible to its own spot seeing as you can't put it on its own spot or directly behind the black spot ?