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Clarify this please

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  • Clarify this please

    A discussion in our club and tbh I have no idea really I play the game know little about the rules just basics so asking here.

    Free ball situation
    Can you elect green for example and use it to cannon yellow to make the pot ?
    Same again but this time with a red can you elect black as a free ball use this to cannon onto the red for the pot

    Ps looked it up and still not clear to me


  • #2
    yes, and yes
    Scenario 1: If Yellow is the ball on (i.e. on the colours (no reds left)), Green as free ball, can be used to pot the Yellow, 2-points, because for that free ball shot the Green is now Yellow as well. Yellow stays off the table. If the Green is potted 2-points and spotted. If both the Yellow andd Green are potted in the single shot, still only the single 2-points and the Green is spotted. Green is now ball on.
    Scenario 2: Again Black becomes a Red for the free ball shot, if Red potted, 1-point and remains off the table. If the Black is potted, 1-point and Black spotted. If the Red and the Black are both potted in the single shot, 2-points and Red remains off the table and the Black spotted.
    These scenarios have been questioned before and I believe I remember them correctly.
    Last edited by DeanH; 4 April 2012, 03:39 PM.
    Up the TSF! :snooker:


    • #3
      Originally Posted by DeanH View Post
      yes, and yes
      Scenario 1: If Yellow is the ball on (i.e. on the colours (no reds left)), Green as free ball, can be used to pot the Yellow, 2-points, because for that free ball shot the Green is now Yellow as well. Yellow stays off the table. If the Green is potted 2-points and spotted. If both the Yellow andd Green are potted in the single shot, still only the single 2-points and the Green is spotted. Green is now ball on.
      Scenario 2: Again Black becomes a Red for the free ball shot, if Red potted, 1-point and remains off the table. If the Black is potted, 1-point and Black spotted. If the Red and the Black are potted in the single shot, 2-points and Red remains off the table and the Black spotted.
      These scenarios have been questioned before and I believe I remember them correctly.
      cheers mate, i thought that was the case, think ive been in that postion a few times an my brain doesnt switch on to it, can make it your advantage if you become aware of it


      • #4
        Ta very much !


        • #5
          I'll just add, that you must hit your free ball first. If red is the ball on and you nominate green as your free ball, if you miss the green and strike the red, it is a foul.
          You are only the best on the day you win.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by DawRef View Post
            I'll just add, that you must hit your free ball first. If red is the ball on and you nominate green as your free ball, if you miss the green and strike the red, it is a foul.
            Now this is didn't know! Live and learn eh..
            Old cue collector --
            Cue Sales:
            (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


            • #7
              Originally Posted by perpetualboredom View Post
              Now this is didn't know! Live and learn eh..
              Yes, snooker rules are different in thsi respect from World Rules pool, where if you nominate another colour as a free ball it simply becomes one of your balls for the shot, so it doesn't matter whether you hit it first, or indeed at all!


              • #8
                Originally Posted by Souwester View Post
                Yes, snooker rules are different in thsi respect from World Rules pool, where if you nominate another colour as a free ball it simply becomes one of your balls for the shot, so it doesn't matter whether you hit it first, or indeed at all!
                Thats right, it explains why I've had experienced opponents at interleague level try to claim a foul in the situation where you have 2 balls very close together when foul snookered, so nominate the other ball "just in case" but don't hit it.. I'm now guessing they must have been snooker players.
                Old cue collector --
                Cue Sales:
                (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


                • #9
                  In my World Rules League, many players have a very annoying tendancy to declare a foul if you have a free ball, nominate an opponenets ball and then do not hit that nominated ball, they scream "you must hit that nominated ball first!"

                  where clearly in the rules it states:
                  Q.4(a)(ii) Once nominated, a ball is deemed to "become one" of the player's Colour for the first shot of the first visit. The player may then play any of the player's own Colour or the nominated ball. If any of the player's Colour and/or the nominated ball is potted, the player continues with the first visit.

                  Up the TSF! :snooker:


                  • #10
                    >>If the Green is potted 2-points and spotted. If both the Yellow andd Green are potted in the single shot, still only the single 2-points and the Green is spotted

                    Just a quick question, maybe I misread you but if you receive 2 points when potting both freeball (green) + yellow, shouldn't you also receive just 1 point in scenario 2 (when potting both freeball (black) + red) ?
                    Or is the rule you can pot multiple reds in a shot and therefore receive a point per red, but since you can never pot multiple coloured balls in 1 shot you receive only the points for the coloured ball?

                    Hope that question makes sense?


                    • #11
                      Sec3 12(e) If both the nominated ball and a ball on are potted, only the ball on is scored unless it was a Red, when each ball potted is scored. The free ball is then spotted and the ball on remains off the table.
                      Up the TSF! :snooker:


                      • #12
                        Clarify this please

                        It may seem odd but the rationale is that without a free ball it is perfectly possible to pot more than one red in the same stroke. Since there is only one of each colour you can't pot more than one. Not entirely sure I agree with the logic though.


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by Souwester View Post
                          It may seem odd but the rationale is that without a free ball it is perfectly possible to pot more than one red in the same stroke. Since there is only one of each colour you can't pot more than one. Not entirely sure I agree with the logic though.
                          well I wouldn't worry about that, it seems kind of logical to me ...

                          what I do worry about though is which ball was hit first ... in normal play, I believe the ball on must be hit first ... with a free ball, I think the free ball must be hit first or a simultaneous hit with another ball on ... I might be wrong, please correct me if so ...

                          but my question is "how are those judged?" ... referees seem to judge that if a ball on is potted it must be a fair hit even if the pot could (and may have been) by hitting a ball not on first ...

                          I know I'm being a bit anorak here but I'd be interested to hear what Statman, Souwester etc views are ... apart from the Mark J Williams incident (judgement call and I think the ref was right) the only other time I remember is Michaela Tabb calling a foul and standing her ground "it was close but that's my judgement" ... I can't remember the player concerned but he did fine, he queried her but then accepted her decision without any fuss ...


                          • #14
                            Clarify this please

                            It is entirely a judgement call, and whether a ball is potted is immaterial. If there is any uncertainty (as with any call), then the striker is usually given the benefit of the doubt.


                            • #15
                              Yep/ If three reds are on the table and you have a free ball, as long as you hit the nominated ball first and it goes on to pot all
                              three reds you will score four points, one for free ball and one for each red, if only colours remain you can roll a nominated ball onto the colour that is the ball on and pot it, any other colour accidentally potted by the free ball would be a foul

