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Cue Badge Alteration

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  • Cue Badge Alteration

    if i wished to change the badge on my cue, how would i go about it?

    has anyone replaced a cue badge before?


  • #2
    Use an axe!


    • #3
      Originally Posted by Snookerlovejoy
      Use an axe!


      • #4


        • #5
          I carefully drilled out the plastic circlular mother of pearly type bage on my cue, rang up a local trophy shop and asked them to make me a brass one with my initials stamped in rather than engraved.
          They've just rang me to say it's done, just hope i gave them the right measurements, I'll find out soon enough.


          • #6
            When I had my butt extended I also had a brass plaque put on and planned to get it engraved. I never did and on Christmas day I sawed the butt off with a hack saw because it was too long and affecting my cue swing.


            • #7
              thanks for the replies

              Wity: any news yet about the badge?

              Rotster: ah well, but hope youre playing better with your cue like that again now.

              ive had the following suggestion by someone:- use a coin and get it buffed and engraved. the coin would be about £1 coin size. if required source a coin from abroad......


              • #8
                Bit of a saga actually.

                I made my own at first. Drilled the existing badge out and cut a circle out of a credit /shop card and that wedged itself in fine leaving it sunk in by amout 3mm. Printed out my initials on sticky backed vinyl then applied some resin I have (bought a kit a year ago for doming intending to dome zippo's and keyrings and flog them on ebay) It worked a treat. Much like Mike Wooldriges badges. Trouble was having just a diameter of 15mm the cheap printer of mine had'nt the resolution / dots per inch to make it look really good so I scrapped it and decided on the brass badge route.

                Following day i remembered why i never did any doming of zippo's when my eye closed as if I'd gone 12 rounds with tyson. Bloody resin, should have worn gloves. Luckily it took only 3 days to return to normal not the 3 weeks it had when i'd handled much more resin doing zippos.

                Anyways the trophy shop had quoted me £7 for a plain polished brass initialed badge that they had made elsewhere and as i said on the 11th they'd rang to say it was done. Their supplier had sent two and the initials were stamped not engraved and were black. Sounds like they had painted the initials with enamel paint so for two the £7 sounded reasonable. After posting here I went to pay them via paypal but they dont accept it so I was going over there. Without a car at the moment i did not fancy the 2 hour round trip and 4 bus journeys so I went to send them a cheque, and of course I could not find my cheque book.

                I eventually found it sunday under the settee of course, where else do you keep your chequebook But then thinking a day to reach them 4 days for the cheque to clear and another day before they post them, throw in the weekend and it'll be ages so I said i'd fetch them after all.

                Was too busy monday so Tuesday I was definately going. Monday afternoon though I had a fall and bashed my kneecap so bad it was as painfull as hell to walk.

                Bottom line is I've just hobbled back from the postbox. Maybe this time next week its here and fitted. I'll post a pic when it is.

                That is of course IF i measured it right, probably didn't knowing my luck.


                • #9
                  very best of luck with it then Wity, and looks forward to hearing about it next week if possible.

                  ty for the reply


                  • #10
                    This all sound over complicated could you not just take it / send it to a cue doctor to do?


                    • #11
                      Good idea Watford. I know that most cue makers would fit a badge to your cue. Mike Wooldridge actually advertises this service on his site, you can have your own design and colours etc. I would certainly be happier letting a professional do it rather than risk making a mess of the butt end.


                      • #12
                        Anyone willing to pay around £10 postage and £25 to have one made has more money than sense in my view.

                        Wooldridge's badge service is one reason why I would not dream of buying one of his cues no matter what. £25 to have your initials printed on his advert on your cue is just taking the ****.

                        Like the guy on ebay the other day selling a Parris cue..
                        ...After paying over £300 for it they charged me £15 because i wanted mine 1" shorter than norm $!*/&*^£
                        As a joke I sent him this message..

                        "£15 was not so bad, considering they sent it back to china for the maker to cut it"

                        he replied

                        Yeah I suppose not, but he shouldn't have left the bloody saw marks in the butt should he?.


                        • #13
                          Well they arrived today... eventually.

                          As sods law has it I measured the space wrong 17mm I should have said but having asked for 15mm it turned out better in a way as I added a little black paint to the araldite resin. Resin naturally fills the gap and the finished result is that it has a black outer circle.

                          Put 3 circles of that sticky backed vinyl underneath to build it up so that when I'd araldited it in it lay perfectly flush and thats it.

                          Looks smart I reckon.

                          Different light /angle..

                          Them spots are just the reflection of the gloss paint under the flash.

                          All in all it's took 10 mins to do, cost me £7 and i've another badge which i'll put on my case.

                          (Spent 3 times as long in paint shop pro blacking out the reflections to do the first pic/avtar)


                          • #14
                            Cheers for the update Wity.

                            Looks quite good. in fact im impressed.

                            worth the effort in the end? (knowing you helped create it)?


                            • #15
                              Oh yes, definately. If you want to do your own Rayden in Dudley had them made for me and offered me brass,s tainless steel, or any of three metalic coloured hard plastics that they use with making their medals and such, although many trophy places could do the same i suppose. I considered just getting a blank and getting my own picture/photo/logo laser engraved on it but felt it was too small (Got an email addy here somewhere of a yank who'd do it for a couple of quid and postage there and back wouldn't be much more.) Just remember to bodge a start in the existing badge before you drill it out. Slipping with a drill will of course bugger your butt.

                              "bugger your butt". heheh so it's not impossible to bugger up your own butt after all.

