Refereeing a senior tourney today and this foul occurred. Was the penalty 6 or 7?
After potting a red the striker needed a cue extension for his next shot. The rest was placed on the table and the cue placed on the rest. while adjusting the position of his setup his cue struck a red. The only colour ball in that direction was the pink. Even though the striker had not verbally said 'pink' I awarded 6 points as I was satisfied that he was plying the pink. The opponents argued that it should be 7 as he had not nominated a colour. Was this a 7 point foul or was my decision correct?
After potting a red the striker needed a cue extension for his next shot. The rest was placed on the table and the cue placed on the rest. while adjusting the position of his setup his cue struck a red. The only colour ball in that direction was the pink. Even though the striker had not verbally said 'pink' I awarded 6 points as I was satisfied that he was plying the pink. The opponents argued that it should be 7 as he had not nominated a colour. Was this a 7 point foul or was my decision correct?