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Can my opponent call a "Miss"?

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  • #16
    The h'cap opponent should never have picked the ball up without clarifying with you that it was a miss and you accepted that decision. However, I've said this before but at the risk of irritating people further - The miss rule is a rule. The same rule for both players. If you played the rule you would get better and better at getting out of snookers. Which would help you to learn angles and this would also aid your break-building. So play the rule, of the game of snooker. Don't make up your own rules. There are already rules in existence for everyone to abide by, so play by them and who knows, you might just improve.

    Alternatively, make up your own rules - say black is worth 3 on a wednesday, but 11 on a friday. How about, you go in-off twice in a frame, you get a bonus of 20 points?

    I don't agree with the miss rule, as it stands. You can get overly rewarded for one snooker, and that could be a fluked snooker at that. It's especially hard when there are only one or two reds left on the table. It needs revising imo. It is, however, a current rule of the game and should be treated as such. If you don't, then you are not playing snooker you're playing your own rule version of it, and if it happens to be a friday you could get a total clearance of 192!
    I often use large words I don't really understand in an attempt to appear more photosynthesis.


    • #17
      Only just catching up on this thread again - some good discussion.

      For what it's worth, I actually agree with the Miss rule as it is. For pros, it's there to stop them getting away with missed escape attempts where clearly their prime motive is to not leave an opening when they could easily hit a ball on by taking a different shot. And let's face it, they're good enough to get out of most snookers. It's rare these days that there's much controversy over the application of the rule at pro level.

      And at 'good' club level it should be possible to make a fair, impartial decision as to whether a player has made a good enough attempt at an escape, taking their relative ability into account. Not blowing my own trumpet, but I would say I'm actually pretty good at getting out of snookers - certainly well above average. And I've definitely always gone for an honest escape attempt. As has been mentioned, at my level, the risks of an opponent clearing up are not high, whilst the cost of multiple fouls is.

      I've certainly never had a miss called against me before, although when I used to play competitively (I'm only just picking up the game again after 10+ years away) my local league explicitly didn't use the rule. But back in the 90s, it was more controversial even at pro level.

      To be fair, I don't think my opponent in this instance really knew the rules properly. But while I will take it up with the knockout organisers, I don't think we should be using it when there isn't an impartial ref.


      • #18
        you wouldnt have the opposing football team refereeing lol
        Goddess Of All Things Cue Sports And Winner Of The 2012 German Masters and World Open Fantasy Games and the overall 2011-12 Fantasy Game


        • #19
          i have no problem with the miss rule, if you have a neutral most leagues i play in they dont allow the miss rule and this i think is not the best rule, too many times no attempt is really made to get out of the snooker, and if only one attempt is allowed is hard too prove they werent trying. with the replay rule you can ask for your opponent too have another try and you can see if they really trying or not. sometimes you might want your opponent to hit the ball, so as to open the game up. this is your call and your opponent wont be given away loads of points. its not perfect but i think better than NO MISS RULE.. only problem we have with this rule is if your opponent never trys to hit the ball and after several attempts you might have to play your shoot, but at least you know where you stand and what your opponent is up too.
          as for changing the value of the black thats just silly.............

