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Snooker Psychology

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  • Snooker Psychology

    As we are all told by many that a lot of snooker is played upstairs between the ears. many top pros in all types of sports have used some sort of sports pschologist to help them with their game.

    i was wondering how much can this help a player, could it make them a better player in terms of ability , getting their technique right, or is it just to focus the mind.

    As we know when our mind is not clear we tend to not perform physically too, we can be tense and agitated, our mind wander with too many thoughts which will introduce all sorts of arrors in our technique.

    in saying that does any one believe that these snooker CDs going around would help anyone improve their game? has anyone purchased something like this and had any success. i have noticed there was such a CD advertised on the snookergym site. and many large companies advertise that they work.

    i am saying this because i have bought such a CD that came with a coaching book too, wasn't too expensive the book is a good guide on technique and the basics so i wasn't dissapointed, I bought it from someone who claims to be a coach. the CD has relaxing music on it and in the background there are messages introduced which you can't hear clearly unless the sound is very load.these messages are suppose to be for the subconcious mind to hear and process, it says that the more you listen these messages get inbedded into the part of the brain so when you play they become part of your natural self.

    well i have had this CD for several months now and listened to it a lot the first few weeks i got it, however i have not continued recently, i haven't noticed any major improvements in my game really so i can't say that it has worked yet.

    i really bought it because i wanted to improve my concentration and to focus my mind because i have been having problems with my concentration, and thought it might help.

    would love to get the views on this matter anyone feels it would help or is it just a load of rubbish.

    Last edited by alabadi; 26 June 2012, 10:26 PM.

  • #2
    firstly, you won't concentrate on the shot because you'll be thinking ''is that cd working ?'''s a load of rubbish !


    • #3
      You don't listen to it while playing, you suppose just listen to it any other time when your relaxing driving or any Other time, the messages imbed into your subconcious so you not suppose to be aware of it
      Last edited by alabadi; 26 June 2012, 10:26 PM.


      • #4
        I don't know about the subliminal audio stuff but I wouldn't put a lot of faith in it.

        Top sports pros would use mind improvement techniques for concentration and focus I would think. Ronnie is using it to get his head screwed on straight and he says it really helped him, but maybe he was a special case (and does he REALLY need any help?)

        Terry Davidson
        IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


        • #5
          Sports phsychologists certainly help for the people who need that sort of attention such as people who have fallen into a mental illness. When it comes to this subcontious messages embedded in relaxing music I really can't see that having much effect on people as ou have pretty much proved. I had depression about 18 months ago for around a year and it took professional help to get my head straight, although it's easy to fall back into depression the professional help really does work. It's just the same principle for people such as Ronnie when they need a sports phsychologist, it helps him focus and get his game back on track.


          • #6
            i remember reading somewhere in a medical journal, that us as humans do everything subconciously, the way we interact with others , our habits and soforth.

            these are the things we learn from our parents when we are babies, everything is stored in our subconcious and this is what we become, we have no control over it, things like personality for instance these are ingrained into our sub minds.

            this is what i was really intregued about, do these CDs with their subliminal messages really effect our behaviour, there have been studies that claim to prove that they work, however i am a sceptic and unless someone who has gone through such a thing and can prove that it works i will always be wary.

            thats why i pose the question here.

            Last edited by alabadi; 26 June 2012, 10:28 PM.


            • #7
              i wanted to just check on the snookergym to see if i was not mistaken. Nic Barrow is indorsing Snooker Hypnotherapy by Rick Collingwood.

              this is what it says.

              "Improve Your Snooker Performance In Every Way By Using This Brand New Cutting Edge Snooker Hypnosis CD From Legendary Hynotherapist Rick Collingwood."

              This Cd contains Neurosonic frequencies to lead you into a deep trance when you listen, profound changes are proven to follow.
              i suppose its different to subliminal messages in a way, but still it goes on to say it could give you the mental edge to succeed in snooker.

              I wouldn't think a coach such as Nic Barrow would endorse something himself if he didn't beiieve in it

              thoughts anyone?


              • #8
                Snooker Psychology

                I dont know but I'm quite willing to let Derren Brown tell me that every time i hear the cue ball bouncing off the full pack of reds I will go and pot every ball on the table :-)


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by alabadi View Post
                  i wanted to just check on the snookergym to see if i was not mistaken. Nic Barrow is indorsing Snooker Hypnotherapy by Rick Collingwood.

                  this is what it says.

                  "Improve Your Snooker Performance In Every Way By Using This Brand New Cutting Edge Snooker Hypnosis CD From Legendary Hynotherapist Rick Collingwood."

                  This Cd contains Neurosonic frequencies to lead you into a deep trance when you listen, profound changes are proven to follow.
                  i suppose its different to subliminal messages in a way, but still it goes on to say it could give you the mental edge to succeed in snooker.

                  I wouldn't think a coach such as Nic Barrow would endorse something himself if he didn't beiieve in it

                  thoughts anyone?
                  Some people are open to hynosis, others aren't. I fall into the latter catergory myself. You are right in that our behaviour and personality are imbued into us at a very young age due to our upbringing and operates on a subconscious level. Anyone can access this through therapy on a one to one basis with a psychiatrist who will explain what you went through and how and why it affects you. Some people have buried their childhood memories because they are so bad, many drug addicts have done this, and are unaware of why they do what they do. Dream therapy can help them as can a course of Ibogaine, which is a natural chemical derived from the African Iboga plant and believed by some to be the original source of the 'Tree Of Knowledge' myth in the bible. Ibogaine enables the user to access their subconscious mind in the form of an intense dream trip through their own memories and is being used to break addictions in many countries now throughout the world. Sadly not the UK.

                  Subliminal messaging is nothing new, it was tried in the 1950's in US tv advertising and was banned even though it was unproven. The US military used LSD in test programmes in the '60's to access soldiers unconscious minds to direct their behaviour but so much of the drug had to be used that the soldiers became mind damaged as a result.

                  As for this hypnotherapy cd that Nick Narrow is endorsing, well for a start Neurosonic sounds like a word that someone in marketing thought up. What's next I wonder, Derek Acora putting you in touch with Joe Davis for your own personal snooker lesson ?
                  There are no shortcuts or golden bullets I'm afraid. you have to have a lot of natural ability and be prepared to practise and have a mindset that either switches you off from the pressure or embolden's you with it.


                  • #10
                    Nicely put Vmax4Steve.

                    I suppose as humans we all want to reach our goals with the minimum of effort if possible. although have have a very strong work ethic, and will put all the hours necessary to succeed, any external help if proven to work is a welcome



                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by alabadi View Post
                      ......these messages are suppose to be for the subconcious mind to hear and process, it says that the more you listen these messages get inbedded into the part of the brain so when you play they become part of your natural self.

                      would love to get the views on this matter anyone feels it would help or is it just a load of rubbish.

                      30 years ago, when I was trying to be more serious about improving my game I looked at tapes of top players and I also reviewed what all the great putters in golf did - A solid pre-shot routine seemed to be a common theme.

                      I knew my pre-shot routine was not consistent. I did not have someone who was willing to be there when ever I played to make me follow a solid routine on every shot.

                      I took my wife's 'learn to quit smoking while going to sleep' tape, transcribed the script and edited to be all positive statements about snooker

                      eg.s I always succeed because I check the potting line to the pocket on every shot.... I always succeed because I walk down the line into my shot .... I always succeed because I decide on my shape before I approach the shot etc

                      I then recorded my own tape.

                      I went to sleep with that tape (using a pillow speaker) for months - After months of perseverance, I noticed that instead of a hit and miss pre-shot routine, I virtually always went through my desired pre-shot routine. It did help my game - most notibly my play on my poor days was a lot better ie less variance from day to day.


                      • #12
                        That's interesting to hear HemiRR.

                        I've suffered from depression and have recovered, it is really a terrible feeling. You lose control of your thoughts and let them overwhelm yourself.

                        I believe very much and learning to control your thoughts rather than relying on aids that let your mind control you subconsciously.

                        More often than not it is a lack of concentration or lost of focus due to distracting thoughts that let you feel you have lost it in the game. The vicious spiral starts and your technique goes down the drain because you have lost the mental capacity to call upon your skills. And the more you dwell on it, the worse it becomes.

                        Learn to be aware of what your body is doing, and rely on that consistent setup and feeling and start to pot balls again. Repeat your process over and over again and your consistency will show.

                        We may have different technical issues to grapple with, but ultimately, you must be in control of your thoughts to be able to execute your technique in the best possible way.
                        John Lim

                        Targets to beat: -line up 63, 78 (Nov 2012)- -practice match 67 (Nov 2012)- -competition 33 (Oct 2011)-

