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cue tips please help

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  • #16
    I've a box of 10mm blue velvets which are generally quite soft, I can send you one or two for the price of the postage if you like.


    • #17
      Originally Posted by Particle Physics View Post
      JCR! Goodness.
      I don't know what you mean PP ??


      • #18
        Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
        I don't know what you mean PP ??
        Yes you do Finbarr Saunders. Tskk Tskk. lol
        Last edited by Particle Physics; 1 August 2012, 09:27 PM.
        Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.


        • #19
          the softest tip ive used are jupiter tip alot softer than elks and diamonds, i have some if any one wants any you just pay post


          • #20
            Sounds like its been a blue diamond where the fibres haven't been glued properly. Common problem with blue diamonds nowadays. Some players like playing with these faulty tips though. Look for the softest blue diamond you can find by pressing your thumb nail into the side wall of the tip and if it sinks in fairly easy it'll be soft and stands a good chance of the fibres coming apart which will give you the super soft feel you want. Personally I wouldn't play with a tip like that but each to their own. Hope that helps


            • #21
              Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
              Nice to hear of a few more females playing
              Why do you like soft tips so much ??? .... and have you ever tried a hard one
              Some say you should really play with the hardest tip you can get away with
              Originally Posted by Particle Physics View Post
              Yes you do Finbarr Saunders. Tskk Tskk. lol
              I had to google "Finbarr Saunders" but I'm with PP on this one ... very naughty jcb ... very, very naughty ... Chortle Chortle Fnarr! Fnarr!

              back on subject, lulu11louise, please don't take offence at boys being boys ... I personally play with Elkmasters - on my UK 8ball pool cue (9.4mm) I'll keep them at full height and they play nice and soft ... on my snooker cue (10.1mm) I'll probably take a couple of mm off so they play a bit harder ...

              if you think an Elk is too hard, perhaps your cue is too inflexible? I'm trying hard not to say "perhaps the shaft is too stiff" for fear of starting the boys giggling again
              Last edited by DandyA; 2 August 2012, 12:26 AM.


              • #22
                Hi Louise
                Sorry for the delay, I have 2 Pool Baron calf pressed 10mm tips available if you wish to try them out.

                ps I have not read Viz for years
                Up the TSF! :snooker:


                • #23
                  Hello JJ
                  No I haven't tried anything yet I only got my new cue on Tuesday this week (off ebay, Pool player)
                  but the tip is miles to hard for me
                  I called my local snooker/pool hall and they only use 1 brand which happens to be Elkmaster, so not too sure about that, although I don't suppose it would hurt going to see, sounds awful that I haven't already done so but couldn't make it yesterday anyway
                  I don't mind paying P+P to anyone if they can help me figure out the brand of the original Extra soft tip I had
                  Thank you everyone Louise


                  • #24
                    ......and yes boys will be boys, but one day all girls are women (shaft too stiff....well lol )
                    There's not really a lot I can say to that other than you boys, didn't leave me with much to say to that one lol
                    Thanks for all your help and I'm sorry if I got your name to this Forum stuff you see
                    Louise xx


                    • #25
                      hi I've finally found a Pool Baron Soft cue tip on ebay for £2.99 free P+P but at that price I can't imagine that they would be very Soft
                      What do you guys think?


                      • #26
                        Originally Posted by lulu11louise View Post
                        hi I've finally found a Pool Baron Soft cue tip on ebay for £2.99 free P+P but at that price I can't imagine that they would be very Soft
                        What do you guys think?
                        Just had a look, this person has massive positive feedback and has named themselves after the tip name. Go for it. If you like the tip, go back and get 3 more off him/her. Sellers come and go on ebay, so it's worth having a back up stock for your cue, as you will already know of course. ;-)
                        Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by lulu11louise View Post
                          Hello JJ
                          No I haven't tried anything yet I only got my new cue on Tuesday this week (off ebay, Pool player)
                          but the tip is miles to hard for me
                          I called my local snooker/pool hall and they only use 1 brand which happens to be Elkmaster, so not too sure about that, although I don't suppose it would hurt going to see, sounds awful that I haven't already done so but couldn't make it yesterday anyway
                          I don't mind paying P+P to anyone if they can help me figure out the brand of the original Extra soft tip I had
                          Thank you everyone Louise
                          Crikey, Elks are regarded as quite a soft tip by snooker players! We mostly use hard tips (fnarr fnarr). Then again, snooker players have to play with bigger, heavier balls on a bigger playing surface. I'll get my jacket...........................
                          Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.


                          • #28
                            Hi Loiuse
                            on the ebay for Pool Baron you can select the hardness from Soft/Medium/Medium+
                            The tip I am using is the Soft and is very soft compared to the tips I have had in the past (BD/Elk/a layered of unknown (which was effing-hard)).
                            So I would give that one a try if I was you.
                            The ones I mentioned that are available are the Medium+ They do appear to be harder than the soft I have fitted but I would say are still soft compared to most makes.
                            I would tell the tip-fitter you mentioned that they are soft when sanding down, when I first did a Pool Baron soft I nearly rubbed it away to nothing before I realised
                            Last edited by DeanH; 2 August 2012, 09:22 AM. Reason: ps. it is not often that we get "xx kisses" in posts in TSF - nice :)
                            Up the TSF! :snooker:


                            • #29
                              hi just to let you know I've ordered the Baron Soft Tip, oooooo I'm so excited now I can't wait for it to be delivered
                              Thank You so much everyone, watch this space I'll let you know whether it's what I expect it to be
                              Thank you again Lou x


                              • #30
                                Originally Posted by lulu11louise View Post
                                Hello JJ
                                No I haven't tried anything yet I only got my new cue on Tuesday this week (off ebay, Pool player)
                                but the tip is miles to hard for me
                                I called my local snooker/pool hall and they only use 1 brand which happens to be Elkmaster, so not too sure about that, although I don't suppose it would hurt going to see, sounds awful that I haven't already done so but couldn't make it yesterday anyway
                                I don't mind paying P+P to anyone if they can help me figure out the brand of the original Extra soft tip I had
                                Thank you everyone Louise
                                Originally Posted by lulu11louise View Post
                                hi just to let you know I've ordered the Baron Soft Tip, oooooo I'm so excited now I can't wait for it to be delivered
                                Thank You so much everyone, watch this space I'll let you know whether it's what I expect it to be
                                Thank you again Lou x
                                I hope the tip works out for you. I would try to make sure you get a professional fit as a good tip can easily be ruined.

                                Wheres abouts in uk are you?

