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2 pieces or 3/4 split

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  • 2 pieces or 3/4 split

    Hi from Spain !!

    I was thinking on buying a snooker cue. I'm quite a beginner so maybe a Peradon Century could be on budget. What I don't know is whether I should choose 2 pieces or 3/4 split. What is exactly the difference at play time ¿?¿?

    Anyone can help me on this?


  • #2
    Hi Pablo

    In answer to your question, not a lot. Half jointed cues have a join that happens to be very close to the chin when cueing, so you can sometimes feel it (particularly if you havent shaved for a while ) and see it. Doesn't bother me at all, but I know it puts some people off.

    3/4 joints don't have that problem but they're a little more awkward from a practical point of view, simply because they need bigger cases.

    The range of accessories is slightly wider for 3/4 joints as you can replace the butt end with half butts etc.

    In terms of feel, I haven't noticed any difference at all. I've got a half joint currently and if I ever get a new cue it'll be the same, simply because I carry it around a fair bit.

    Cueman and others will be able to tell you more I'm sure


    • #3
      As Robert said the main difference is the position of the joint, the process of making the two cues is slightly different though. A centre jointed cue is usually made as a 1 piece first and then split and jointed. A 3/4 jointed cue is made from a slightly shorter piece of ash and then has a solid Ebony butt fitted around 12-16 inches from the butt end.

      The weight and balance of the two will be different too. A 3/4 jointed cue will feel much heavier in the butt end due to having a solid ebony butt. A centre jointed cue will feel much like a 1 piece which most players like as it gives a better feel for the shot.

      Most players use jointed cues mainly because they are popular and easy to carry around. However if you are just starting out playing then I shouldn't worry too much about which you decide to go for. I wouldn't say that one is better than the other as its down to personal preference. I use a 1 piece cue as I'm not a fan of jointed cues but plenty of professional players use jointed cues, usually in 3/4 style so they can't all be wrong.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by pablosullivan View Post
        Hi from Spain !!

        I was thinking on buying a snooker cue. I'm quite a beginner so maybe a Peradon Century could be on budget. What I don't know is whether I should choose 2 pieces or 3/4 split. What is exactly the difference at play time ¿?¿?

        Anyone can help me on this?

        Centre-jointed cues are more subjected to warp. It is more centre balanced - above 18" from the end of butt. Butt joint is not standard. It has to be fitted or refitted at extra cost.

        Most 3/4 jointed cues can be custom made with better "precision". The butt can be 12", 14", 16", or 18". The balance point can be affected. All 3/4 jointed cues are equipped with a butt joint to accept a mini butt or a long 16"- 52" extension butt.

        One piece cue may have problem to be placed in your car trunk and not even the back seat of most car. You may need a van or truck.

