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Different conditions effecting my game

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  • #16
    Originally Posted by Gerry Armstrong View Post

    On slow tables, hit it harder. On fast tables, hit it softer. Same story for cushions. Don't roll balls until I know it's flat.

    But as tedisbill says above, the less the white is moving around the less of an impact that all of these factors have on your game from table to table,
    its not just a matter of hitting it harder, you have to have a feel too, you can easily over hit it. sometimes it is down to fractions if you are on the next ball or not.

    also you have to take into consideration the state of the cloth, some have nicks in them and dips that send the balls off at different angles if rolled slowly over them, which could either mean a missed pot or out of position.

    any way thanks for the advice, some things to think about



    • #17
      If you try to take every single little thing in to account on every single shot, it's no wonder you're struggling.

      You need to keep things as simple as possible and have as few things in your mind as possible. Otherwise you won't be able to string 3 balls together.

      Harder on slower tables and softer on faster tables is a general guideline as is firm shots i.e. stun runs instead of rolling balls on tables with cloth not in the best of condition.

      Try that as a starter for 10, forget about everything else and see how you get on.


      • #18
        Anyone remember the Power Snooker event? I seem to remember top professionals not being able to produce that many clearances despite playing easier variant of the game. I was simply because they didn't have much experience with napless cloth.

        Keep in mind that those were top pros trying to adapt from one type of great playing conditions to another type of great playing conditions. Now imagine regular club players trying to adapt from great conditions to very poor playing conditions. It is safe to say that this is not going to go well.

        Every time I go to a local snooker tournament, it is always held in a club which has million times worse conditions than in my club, and I'm not only talking about tables or lighting. But you know what? I applied for the event, got there and therefore accepted conditions. That's all you can do really. Agonizing about table quality or quality of your safeties and position play will get you nowhere. It's like Terry said, adapt or lose.


        • #19
          Originally Posted by the nugget View Post
          Hi al i dont think youre the first or the last to encounter this, if its any consolation i find it more difficult on the superfast cloths rather than the usual 6811 cloth not that its slow or anything. Ive always believed that its much harder to take pace out of your normal game or cue action to suit really quick cloths if your not used to them than to putting more power in your action to suit a slower table. I reckon youll eventually get used to the faster conditions without compromising your cue action too much.
          thats why i say practising on a different cloth to ones you use is useless
          Goddess Of All Things Cue Sports And Winner Of The 2012 German Masters and World Open Fantasy Games and the overall 2011-12 Fantasy Game


          • #20
            Originally Posted by LittleMissAlexa View Post
            thats why i say practising on a different cloth to ones you use is useless

            I don't think that i am going to go out of my way to find clubs that have poor tables, poor lighting and poor conditions overall just so i can get use to playing of those types of tables.

            don't get me wrong i have played on those types of tables for the last two and half years so i have had experience of them.
            but now i am enjoying my snooker more especially that i have found a club with quality tables, lighting conditions and at less than half the price i was paying previously for poorer quality.

            so i will just have to accept that i will have to adapt somehow and hope that playing on these good tables will improve my game to a level i can play on both reasonabley well.



            • #21
              Different conditions effecting my game

              Where is it you play that's got a load of pro tables with pro lighting? That's pretty rare to be honest.

              My club has 2 match tables with pro lighting.
              WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
              Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions


              • #22
                Originally Posted by tedisbill View Post
                Where is it you play that's got a load of pro tables with pro lighting? That's pretty rare to be honest.

                My club has 2 match tables with pro lighting.
                Its at the Sheffield Star snooker Academy, Ding Junhui and other Chinese players are based there, also there are the Thai pros too like James Wattana, Thanawat Thirapongpaiboon, plus most of the other pros come down from time to time to practice, the likes of Peter Ebdon, Marco Fu, Docherty ..etc.



                • #23
                  Different conditions effecting my game

                  Yeah I know the place!

                  Isn't that ridiculously expensive though?
                  WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
                  Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions


                  • #24
                    Different conditions effecting my game

                    I had an hour there once and it cost me £10 I think!!!
                    WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
                    Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions


                    • #25
                      yeah the prices are 10 an hour or 30 for 5, i myself have been going there for quite a while before they moved from the Sheffield institute of sport to the new location. I know the guy that runs it so i get it a bit cheaper.


                      • #26
                        Different conditions effecting my game

                        I think the problem you've got there as well, is that you're at the absolute polar opposite of any club table there.

                        Playing on those star tables is almost like a different game to a normal club table. The speed, the cushion bounces, the angle the balls come off the cushion. It's no wonder you're struggling. Those tables are probably re-clothed every 3 months.

                        I wouldn't want to play on tables like that all the time anyway. Tough tables for the average club player.

                        Unless you're knocking in 70s and 80s on there and then yeah, they're good.
                        WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
                        Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions


                        • #27
                          Different conditions effecting my game

                          Your right in that the cloths are faster and pocket tighter . Although I am not a high breaker I can play a lot better on them tables.

                          For me it's just so relaxing when I practice there. The tables and place is clean , it's nice and quiet plus you have plenty of room to play without interfering with any other table, I love it there


                          • #28
                            Originally Posted by alabadi View Post
                            Your right in that the cloths are faster and pocket tighter . Although I am not a high breaker I can play a lot better on them tables.

                            For me it's just so relaxing when I practice there. The tables and place is clean , it's nice and quiet plus you have plenty of room to play without interfering with any other table, I love it there
                            Yeah the environment at that place is excellent.

                            With your original problem though, like I say, you couldn't get any further away from club conditions playing at that place. It is just NOTHING LIKE your average club table.
                            WPBSA Level 2 - 1st4Sport Coach
                            Available for personalised one-to-one coaching sessions


                            • #29
                              Different conditions effecting my game

                              I don't go there just to practice on nice tables. Sometimes I get to play with good players and pros, hopefully watching them how they play will help improve my own game.


