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  • #46
    Originally Posted by Souwester View Post
    However, it's focus is more clearly explaining the rules to referees, and I feel that it still doesn't make some things simple enough for the average simpleton player to fully grasp.
    Somehow I'm not offended even though I'm an average player. :teapot:


    • #47
      Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
      Somehow I'm not offended even though I'm an average player. :teapot:
      I think the word "simpleton" is perhaps the issue.

      I believe Souwester intended the 2nd part of the 2nd definition:
      "a foolish or ignorant person"

      Where ignorant simply means "you don't know" something - exactly the sort of person who needs more information..
      "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
      - Linus Pauling


      • #48
        Originally Posted by DeanH View Post

        In a later posting somewhere else, Souwester called it a "Player's Guide".
        Unfortunately Souwester (an esteemed referee of many years standing I believe) requested the removal of his account from this forum after a major bust up with Ferret. The term banned must be used by the system so not to destroy previous posts and threads. And I am sure this request was nothing at all to do with this thread.
        Hope this helps
        all the best
        Extremely sad that Souwester has removed his account from the forum. The man was total knowledge when it came to refereeing and it is a sad loss to all the users on this forum. If the 'bust up' referred to was due to the words 'idiots guide' then I am even more sad as this is PC'ing gone absolutely crazy. Today, I purchased a book call Piano for Dummies. I took no offence - I am not a dummy - and I know that the spirit of the book was not reflecting that - but the title was an excellent guide to me for what I was purchasing. A book that teaches a beginner how to play the piano. I am a qualified referee as a few others on here, but doubt I could fill Souwesters boots quite so elegantly.


        • #49
          The bust up was not this thread but the Farewell Sheffield thread.
          Allenr5's comment above was made after Souwester had already left.
          I rate your comments on the rules highly, keep it up :-)
          Early last year I was in contact with an EASB ref coach but didn't start training as my playing game suddenly picked up so have focused on that for the time being.
          All the best
          Up the TSF! :snooker:


          • #50
            Ok first of all I din't say this thread was responsible for the banning I said I don't know if it was and apparently it wasn't so case closed, in post #35 I quote in the first pargraph after the posted quote in green "I feel it still doesn't make things simple enough for the average simpleton player to grasp" I personally found that comment offensive because its condescending and bordering on arrogant, simpleton used in this manner is not like Idiot's guide etc its implying a lack of comprehension or intelligence to "grasp" a concept when your trying to learn remarks like that are snobbish and unproductive JMHO and I in no means tried to start anything either and I'm sorry if I inadvertantly did
            Last edited by allanr5; 7 February 2013, 09:33 PM.


            • #51
              Originally Posted by allanr5 View Post
              Ok first of all I din't say this thread was responsible for the banning I said I don't know if it was and apparently it wasn't so case closed, in post #35 I quote in the first pargraph after the posted quote in green "I feel it still doesn't make things simple enough for the average simpleton player to grasp" I personally found that comment offensive because its condescending and bordering on arrogant, simpleton used in this manner is not like Idiot's guide etc its implying a lack of comprehension or intelligence to "grasp" a concept when your trying to learn remarks like that are snobbish and unproductive JMHO and I in no means tried to start anything either and I'm sorry if I inadvertantly did
              Well, yes, I can see how the word 'simpleton' may well upset some people. Having read most of Souwesters threads, I am sure he would be devastated if he thought he had caused offence. I am sure his meaning was that the rules are a confused minefield to many average players. I have to admit that when I started snooker 40 odd years ago, I really had no idea about the rules, except for the obvious, like going in off with the white or striking an illegal ball. However it has already been stated that he didn't leave for this reason, so that is the end of it. However, perhaps it has made me think a little about how I choose words in future. I never mean to cause offence to anyone, but an innocent remark sometimes can be read in a different light from which is intended.

