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A theoretical rules question (or maybe not)

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  • A theoretical rules question (or maybe not)

    A question which is probably to all intents and purposes theoretical, but the following situation could conceivably arise (and may, for all I know, even have done so):

    Player A attempts to pot a ball. It stops millimetres short of falling into the pocket. Player B then pots a red so violently that the the ball which player A failed to pot suddenly drops into the pocket.

    - Is player A credited with the number of points corresponding to the colour of the ball?
    - Does player B’s turn end after he has potted the red?

    Or does another rule come into force?

  • #2
    If the red drops when player B slams another red in, he has potted two reds in one shot which is 2pts and his break continues and he is on a colour as normal.

    If it were a colour over the pocket though, that fell in when he slammed a red in it would be a foul to the value of the colour.


    • #3
      I thought the ball was replaced..?


      • #4
        Originally Posted by pottr View Post
        I thought the ball was replaced..?
        I also thought the ball was replaced....

        9. Ball on Edge of Pocket
        When a ball falls into a pocket without being hit by another ball, and:
        (a) Being no part of any stroke in progress, it shall be replaced and any points previously scored shall count.
        Last edited by thebranstonman; 25 February 2013, 11:59 AM. Reason: Typo


        • #5
          If the ball has actually stopped on the edge of a pocket and subsequent vibration makes it fall in the ball is replaced

          Terry Davidson
          IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


          • #6
            yep, senility has kicked in completely :/


            • #7
              As has been correctly said - the ball that is on the edge of the pocket is replaced - rule 9 (a) When a ball falls into a pocket without being hit by another ball and;
              (A) Being no part of any stroke in progress it shall be replaced and any points previously scored shall count


              • #8
                if there is any colour hanging over a pocket. and a player pots a red THEN the said colour drops in the pocket it is replaced where it was [not on it's spot], IF the cue ball rolls towards the colour and is about to knock it in [which would be a foul] but the colour drops in before it is hit by the cue ball, then ALL balls should be replaced where they were and the same shot or a different shot can be played again by the same player from the same position.

