I have just been told by a fellow player that if you pot a red and the white comes to rest actually touching one of the colours, you cannot nominate that colour as being your next choice of shot. You must nominate another colour and be sure to hit it, otherwise a foul will be called.
All of the time that I have been playing the game, on the vary rare occasion that this has occurred, particularly when most of the reds are still on the table, I have potted a red and the cue ball has come to rest touching the black, I and indeed my playing partner if it were he in play, would have said with a big smile on our faces "well I'm on the black" and would then have proceeded to regard the situation as a 'touching ball' and would have played away, ensuring that the black did not move.
Are we right or wrong?
All of the time that I have been playing the game, on the vary rare occasion that this has occurred, particularly when most of the reds are still on the table, I have potted a red and the cue ball has come to rest touching the black, I and indeed my playing partner if it were he in play, would have said with a big smile on our faces "well I'm on the black" and would then have proceeded to regard the situation as a 'touching ball' and would have played away, ensuring that the black did not move.
Are we right or wrong?