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Ironing a table

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  • Ironing a table

    Hi there

    How often should a snooker table be ironed? (after how many hours of play?)
    38 in a Tournament
    98 in a Lineup

  • #2
    Around 10/12 I say


    • #3
      Blimey, I iron mine once every 10 days, which is around after 25 hours of play.
      JP Majestic
      9.5mm Elk


      • #4
        In our club we iron 3-5 times in a week.


        • #5
          It largely depends on how much the table is used. When I referee at various (amateur) venues, tables are usually ironed before the start of each day's play (with brushing and blocking a couple of times or so during the day). By and large I would have thought that 2-3 times a week would be sufficient.


          • #6
            Besides the amount of play I think humidity plays a part in how often a table should be ironed. Another factor would be the thickness of the cloth. In locals where it is very humid I would say once per day at least if the cloth is a 6811 or similar with a thicker cloth perhaps morning and early evening depending on use.

            With a cloth like the Hainsworth Precision which is designed not to need ironing it would only need it perhaps once per week or even less. My cloth is a Precision and I keep the humidity below 50% at all times and I haven't noticed any loss of speed and in 2 months I've only ironed it twice.

            Terry Davidson
            IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


            • #7
              Thanks everyone

              I am using Strachan championship cloth and I have trouble stopping the cue ball it is so fast!
              I better get the iron out again its at least 40 hours of play since i last ironed yet its still super fast.
              38 in a Tournament
              98 in a Lineup


              • #8
                If table runs so fast, is there any need still to iron it ? maybe just a brush and block ??


                • #9
                  Thats what i was thinking jrc, however i always brush the table before play but i have never used a block.
                  Is the block necessary?
                  38 in a Tournament
                  98 in a Lineup


                  • #10
                    Yes, the block will sort the nap out in a way in which the brush won't.


                    • #11
                      Ok I better get my hands on a block

                      cheers m8
                      38 in a Tournament
                      98 in a Lineup


                      • #12
                        At risk of being accused of avoiding the question I would say "iron it as it needs to be ironed". A new cloth sometimes needs more ironing to get the nap to lay down and die. Humidity definitely plays a part in how much ironing a cloth seems to need.


                        • #13
                          Hope ye don't burn it lol


                          • #14
                            Just seen this. Don't buy a block. An offcut of 4x2 is just as good. You can wrap a bit of cloth around the brush and get almost the same effect. My favourite, which I use on my table in China, is a short offcut of balustrade.

                            Originally Posted by Leapfrog11 View Post
                            Ok I better get my hands on a block

                            cheers m8


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by Animal View Post
                              Hope ye don't burn it lol
                              I always keep a piece of bed cloth with the iron. I test the iron the scrap before I use it on the table.

