Would anyone be able to help me with the following rules scenario, which occurred
in a match recently, when I was refereeing?
Following an in-off by player A, player B was positioning the cue-ball in the 'D', with his cue,
ready for his shot, and in doing so, touched the green with the cue-ball. I called
a foul, and straight afterwards, player B moved the cue-ball back away from the
green with his hand. What I am wondering is, does doing this constitute a second
foul for playing out of turn, or does this only apply if you actually play a shot?
Secondly, as player B dragged the cue-ball away from the green with his hand after
his initial foul, does this mean that player A is now in-hand (whereas he wouldn't
have been if the cue-ball had been left where it was)?
I was rather uncomfortable with the situation, as where the cue-ball was when the
green was touched, player A would have been entitled to a free ball, whereas where
it ended up, he wasn't, so it seemed as though player B had gained an unfair
advantage, although I don't think this was his intention when he moved the cue-
ball. Is there anything I can do to resolve this problem, besides giving a warning
for ungentlemanly conduct, or should it just be considered as a 'rub of the green'?
Thanks in advance for your responses.
in a match recently, when I was refereeing?
Following an in-off by player A, player B was positioning the cue-ball in the 'D', with his cue,
ready for his shot, and in doing so, touched the green with the cue-ball. I called
a foul, and straight afterwards, player B moved the cue-ball back away from the
green with his hand. What I am wondering is, does doing this constitute a second
foul for playing out of turn, or does this only apply if you actually play a shot?
Secondly, as player B dragged the cue-ball away from the green with his hand after
his initial foul, does this mean that player A is now in-hand (whereas he wouldn't
have been if the cue-ball had been left where it was)?
I was rather uncomfortable with the situation, as where the cue-ball was when the
green was touched, player A would have been entitled to a free ball, whereas where
it ended up, he wasn't, so it seemed as though player B had gained an unfair
advantage, although I don't think this was his intention when he moved the cue-
ball. Is there anything I can do to resolve this problem, besides giving a warning
for ungentlemanly conduct, or should it just be considered as a 'rub of the green'?
Thanks in advance for your responses.