The general rule states"The striker shall, to the best of his ability, endeavour to hit the ball on. If the referee considers the Rule infringed, he shall call FOUL AND A MISS unless only the Black remains on the table, or a situation exists where it is impossible to hit the ball on."
Subsection (e) All other misses will be called at the discretion of the referee, unless, before or after the stroke, the points available on the table are equal to the points difference excluding the value of the re-spotted black.
Two decent players (both have centuries non their resumes) Seniors League match No referees but post shot 'adjudicator" from each team can be called. Player A is 40 points up. The Pink and Black are 7/8 ball apart just in front of the pink spot. The Blue is hanging over the pocket, top corner green side. There is one red left and Player B rolled the red perfectly behind the Pink & Black leaving the cue ball near the baulk line between the brown & yellow spot.
Player A is faced with - Hit the pink and Player B can win - Hit the black and Player B can win. Plus it is an obvious likely free ball situation if the red in not hit - if fee ball Player B can win - (only if the cue ball ends up short and roughly on the line from the centre of the red to the pocket where the Blue is hanging would there be no free ball)
Player A suveys the situation from the top of the table for several minutes and obviously lines up a two rail approach using the green side rail below the side pocket. He plays the shot and is 2&1/2' short. (there was a plain ball one rail hit off the top rail to the right of the black spot but pretty much guarenteed to leave a free ball unless the red was hit) It was obvious to everyone watching that Player A intended to come short thus leaving Player B still requiring a snooker. Player A potted the last red after an exchange of safeties and won the frame.
Player B claimed foul & miss Player A cited Subsection (e) - eventually it was decided no foul and miss based on subsection (e)
Even though it was obvious The striker (Player A ) violated the general rule in that he did not, to the best of his ability, endeavour to hit the ball on; was it correct to apply subsection (e) even though (as a referee I would have thought it was a deliberate foul)
Could SECTION 5. be used in such a circumstance?
1. The Referee
(a) The referee shall
(i) be the sole judge of fair and unfair play,
(ii) be free to make a decision in the interests of fair play for any situation not covered adequately by these Rules,
Subsection (e) All other misses will be called at the discretion of the referee, unless, before or after the stroke, the points available on the table are equal to the points difference excluding the value of the re-spotted black.
Two decent players (both have centuries non their resumes) Seniors League match No referees but post shot 'adjudicator" from each team can be called. Player A is 40 points up. The Pink and Black are 7/8 ball apart just in front of the pink spot. The Blue is hanging over the pocket, top corner green side. There is one red left and Player B rolled the red perfectly behind the Pink & Black leaving the cue ball near the baulk line between the brown & yellow spot.
Player A is faced with - Hit the pink and Player B can win - Hit the black and Player B can win. Plus it is an obvious likely free ball situation if the red in not hit - if fee ball Player B can win - (only if the cue ball ends up short and roughly on the line from the centre of the red to the pocket where the Blue is hanging would there be no free ball)
Player A suveys the situation from the top of the table for several minutes and obviously lines up a two rail approach using the green side rail below the side pocket. He plays the shot and is 2&1/2' short. (there was a plain ball one rail hit off the top rail to the right of the black spot but pretty much guarenteed to leave a free ball unless the red was hit) It was obvious to everyone watching that Player A intended to come short thus leaving Player B still requiring a snooker. Player A potted the last red after an exchange of safeties and won the frame.
Player B claimed foul & miss Player A cited Subsection (e) - eventually it was decided no foul and miss based on subsection (e)
Even though it was obvious The striker (Player A ) violated the general rule in that he did not, to the best of his ability, endeavour to hit the ball on; was it correct to apply subsection (e) even though (as a referee I would have thought it was a deliberate foul)
Could SECTION 5. be used in such a circumstance?
1. The Referee
(a) The referee shall
(i) be the sole judge of fair and unfair play,
(ii) be free to make a decision in the interests of fair play for any situation not covered adequately by these Rules,