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Tcs or 1G?

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  • Tcs or 1G?

    I'm looking at getting a set of Snooker Balls. Are the 1g Snooker Balls worth the extra Money, or should I just go for the Tournament Champion? Thoughts?

  • #2
    There has been loads of threads about this Gary try doing a search.
    This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


    • #3
      TC's i bought a set from ebay, used £62.00 weighed them all on digital scales, same tolerance as 1G, measured them all with digital callipers, minor discrepancies across the whole set.

      As with anything manufactured there will be tolerances, i suspect with a 1G set you are paying for someone at the factory to sort out the balls that are within 1G of each other exactly, if not all exactly the same weight, and the fancy case. They will sell more TC's than 1G so it stands to reason that if you buy a set that all come from the same process, you are likely to get the same level of accuracy. And even if one or two of the balls are way out, just buy them new individually.


      • #4
        Ok thanks, I was leaning towards going for the tcs, Iv seen them for £91 new on Cue Craft.


        • #5
          There is a set here for £15.00


          • #6
            Originally Posted by Maxsys View Post
            postage is £99 LOL ...

            [edit] ... being fair to the ebayer, he probably just got the price and postage the wrong way round ... he probably meant £99 for the TC's and £15 postage ...


            • #7
              Originally Posted by DandyA View Post
              postage is £99 LOL ...
              Oops my bad, didn't look at postage. :stupid:

              I'll get me coat.


              • #8
                Originally Posted by DandyA View Post
                postage is £99 LOL ...

                [edit] ... being fair to the ebayer, he probably just got the price and postage the wrong way round ... he probably meant £99 for the TC's and £15 postage ...
                Hmm not sure about that, you don't pay fees on postage ??
                And strange it won't let you report the item ???


                • #9
                  I think you should go for the Tcs.
                  pool cue| pool cue cases| billiard balls


                  • #10
                    I have owned both sets and actually prefer Tournament Champions because G1's seem to be a little too responsive for me perhaps because - I might be wrong but - they seem a little lighter and I seemed to get more kicks with them than TC's although perhaps its because they where more polished. I also prefer the colours to be darker like they are with TC's, although you get a nice little carry box with G1's.

