Yesterday I was playing a friendly game, was in the 40s and just about to get down on a simple blue to the middle when my opponent asked me what the current break was. This completely threw me and i couldn't recall what I had scored as i was focusing fully on the balls in front of me. Subsequently I potted the blue but played a dodgy positional shot after losing my concentration. This got us into a discussion regarding who counts the current break when there is no official ref in a match, my opponent believing that a player should always know what they have scored. Personally I always found it a matter of etiquette that the player not at the table is acting ref when their opponent is at the table, therefore replacing colours & keeping score count. In my opinion if my opponent was keeping score, there should never be a situation where they are distracting me mid break to asked what I've scored. I understand we all have the odd brain lapse and may forget the score so it can arise, so there are the odd times this may happen. My personal opinion on this is that although the player at the table should try to keep a mental track of the score, sometimes in the zone you can be concentrating 100% on the shot and possibly lose track of the score, therefore as a matter of etiquette it is the responsibility of the 'acting ref' to keep count.
When playing friendly games, who keeps track of the score in your games?
When playing friendly games, who keeps track of the score in your games?