I've been thinking about this, and I find tossing a coin to see who gets put in first to be a very arbitrary method of deciding who gets to go first. For instance, a player can make a decent break, miss and the other fella equalizes but yet is forced to relinquish control of the table just because he's run out of balls. The first player came off because he missed, but the second player has to come off because he potted all the balls??
Does anyone find this sits uneasily within the overall structure of the game? I reckon if the score is equal, the black should just go back on its spot and the player who potted it should contine with his turn from where the white finished.
Anyone think it is a good of fairer idea?
Does anyone find this sits uneasily within the overall structure of the game? I reckon if the score is equal, the black should just go back on its spot and the player who potted it should contine with his turn from where the white finished.
Anyone think it is a good of fairer idea?