Originally Posted by Billy
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Dean's last post raises a couple of issues. If a player has played a stroke WITHOUT being asked to declare which ball he is on, then the referee should NOT foul him. He can only foul him if the striker has failed to declare after being requested to do so by the referee. In this scenario the referee would have to accept that the player had played the ball he hit!
Secondly, if a foul should occur before the player has nominated a particular colour (eg by touching a ball close to the cue ball with his cue), once it is obvious that he is playing one of the baulk colours, then referees tend to exercise some common sense, and limit the penalty to the maximum amount that would have been likely. So if he's obviously playing for a baulk colour, the penalty would be only four points, not seven. I know some referees will disagree but this is fairly standard practice as far as I can tell.