Recently I played a red but hit the pink instead and the white went in off. I believe its only a four point foul as the white went in, but my opponent was of the impression its a six point foul as the pink was hit first. Im sure its four, can anyone confirm?? Thanks, Tommy
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wrong ball hit first then in off???
yep, 6 penalty points as the first foul was to hit the Pink, and the higher value than the White pocketing.
If say, you hit the Pink (Red on) and then subsequently pocketed the Black, the penalty points would be 7 as the value is higher.
If, you it Pink (Red on) and the subsequently hit the Black (not pocketed) the penalty points would be 6, as the subsquent hit is not a foul.
FYI - download a copy of the latest version for some light night-time reading edited by DeanH; 25 April 2014, 09:44 AM.Up the TSF! :snooker:
If more than one foul is committed in the same stroke then the highest penalty is applied. In your case there were two: first hitting a ball not on as the first contact (penalty six, because it was the pink) of the cue ball, and secondly going in off (penalty 4 because red was the ball on), so the penalty is indeed six.
Picture this scenario though. Cue ball fails to hit the red, and makes its first impact with the pink, but then goes on to hit the black and goes in off. A common misconception is that as it hit the black, and indeed went in off the black it must be a seven point penalty. That is incorrect. There are still only two fouls committed, exactly the same as in my first paragraph, so the penalty is six. What happens to the cue ball on the table after it has first made contact with one ball not on is irrelevant. Of course, if the black had been knocked into the pocket then this would have been a third foul (causing a ball not on to enter a pocket), with a higher seven point penalty.
night shifts this weekend so I might have the chance!
Original Source:*wrong ball hit first then in off???**
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