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How to fight a destructive player?

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by luke-h View Post
    Then there are the players that are so lucky, this is very hard to play against if the player is a good player. I play someone who is very good at break building but gets more than his fair share of luck, just the other week i was winning 3 game's got him in a snooker on the yellow whacks the ball either gets a snooker back which is hard to hit or fluke's the yellow and pot's the's really demoralising

    lol, did you play my practice partner???? As it happens so often to me I take the view that he meant to pot the ball off 2 cushions and then the slight nudge off another before potting just to test himself It hurts more if it costs you the frame though


    • #32
      Originally Posted by RogiBear View Post
      lol, did you play my practice partner???? As it happens so often to me I take the view that he meant to pot the ball off 2 cushions and then the slight nudge off another before potting just to test himself It hurts more if it costs you the frame though

      There seems to be a lot of these kind of players out there, I think it also has a direct correlation to how hard you hit the balls to how many fluke's people get..

      I like to float balls in and use just enough power but he likes to clatter everything in thats my theory anyway .

      And it does hurt when i lose a frame by that means, his excuse is "I'm never this lucky" ,my reply to that is "Haven't you said that the last 5 time's you've played me". I honestly haven't played a luckier person ever.


      • #33
        Originally Posted by luke-h View Post
        There seems to be a lot of these kind of players out there, I think it also has a direct correlation to how hard you hit the balls to how many fluke's people get..

        I like to float balls in and use just enough power but he likes to clatter everything in thats my theory anyway .

        And it does hurt when i lose a frame by that means, his excuse is "I'm never this lucky" ,my reply to that is "Haven't you said that the last 5 time's you've played me". I honestly haven't played a luckier person ever.
        I have this mate of mine from way back. He hits hard when playing certain shots, for e.g. tougher frame balls and boy does he get flukey on those. His fluke rate is like every other frame whereas I'm lucky to get a friendly roll from an afternoon's play. Thing is, we play at a similar level (the odd 20s and even odder 30s) and he often edges out with that bit of luck. I try not to let it bother me and play my game but it is downright demoralising.

        He plays negatively too, for e.g. long blue to the bottom cushion with top as a "shot to nothing". It just kills the colours, making the frame tedious.

        Tough player...
        When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


        • #34
          The best game plan to avoid any further discussion of the opponent is: make the first long ball, and run an 80+ break. Of course, if you could do that every time, you wouldn't be on the forum, you would be out competing.

          But since very few can actually do that, the next best strategy is: score as well as you can within your level of skill. The better you become at scoring and winning at one visit, the less it matters what kind of opponent you play - destructive or not.

          To reduce the opponent's "destructive" habits, don't miss easy shots in the short game - EVER - and if you run out of position, lock him/her up. Offense is the best defense in this particular discussion.
          Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
          My Snooker Blog:


          • #35
            i've played with people who came on the game and said things like:
            1. gosh, my right arm feels heavy today sure cannot win today (but ended up wining big)
            2. can't see the potting angle right or I don't know how to play this shot (but potted the ball every time he said that)
            3. you will win after I take this shot (but fluke the ball in with a good positional for the next shot)

            also have met with players who:
            1. missed the intended shot or safety but ended up a very good fluke snooker.
            2. missed an easy shot but fluke it in with good positional for next shot.
            3. get all the lucky difficult snooker escape when I desperately need just 1 snooker.

            and never forget psycho players who:
            1. can incredibly jinx or cursed my next shot!!!
            2. cry baby at my first fluke after seventh frames while he got at least 3 flukes per frame.
            3. using oral-remote control to control the ball position after a shot!

            and of course, etc....

            well, these are the situation that made me go thinking I have no ball-luck. but whatever it is, knowing that i'm not good with ball-luck I simply keep quiet, be more focus, and make sure I get good pot. Don't even look at him playing because like you said "he is a negative, destructive player".

