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What aspect does Neil Robertson still need to improve?

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by AJveits View Post
    You clearly know nothing about the subject. There is nothing extreme about eating plants, you'll probably be more healthy and energetic on a Vegan diet.
    In fact, even with a rather poor diet you can still be a top snooker player.
    And of course you are a well known nutricionist. :P
    Robertson had a worrying period results wise. He is normally such a perfect snooker playing machine. Some of us couldn't find a better excuse for his lack of results at the time.
    So we blamed the diet. Thankfully he seems to have recovered from whatever was bothering him. Maybe he secretly started eating meat.


    • #32
      What Robertson needs to do is get away from Ebdon's negative influence, not diet BTW, it's fine to be a vegan or veggie, a diet that humans naturally evolved to eat. We only eat meat because we can cook it and kill the bacteria in it, natural carnivores have something in their stomach juices to counteract that bacteria.
      Let's face it if we eat an under cooked chicken we're in serious trouble, yet a fox can nick one from the henhouse with no need for a box of matches to light the barbecue.
      So which came first, eating meat or evolving the intelligence to hunt and kill animals with weapons, create fire and cook them


      • #33
        Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
        What Robertson needs to do is get away from Ebdon's negative influence, not diet BTW, it's fine to be a vegan or veggie, a diet that humans naturally evolved to eat. We only eat meat because we can cook it and kill the bacteria in it, natural carnivores have something in their stomach juices to counteract that bacteria.
        Let's face it if we eat an under cooked chicken we're in serious trouble, yet a fox can nick one from the henhouse with no need for a box of matches to light the barbecue.
        So which came first, eating meat or evolving the intelligence to hunt and kill animals with weapons, create fire and cook them
        post of the year !!


        • #34
          Where did you get that fact from, we can eat almost anything raw


          • #35
            Originally Posted by AJveits View Post
            You clearly know nothing about the subject. There is nothing extreme about eating plants, you'll probably be more healthy and energetic on a Vegan diet.
            In fact, even with a rather poor diet you can still be a top snooker player.
            That is what makes Snooker SO great !!!


            • #36
              Originally Posted by golferson123 View Post
              Where did you get that fact from, we can eat almost anything raw
              Not poultry but red meat you can just wipe it's arse and eat it if you can catch it
              It's hard to pot balls with a Chimpanzee tea party going on in your head



              • #37
                Originally Posted by GeordieDS View Post
                Not poultry but red meat you can just wipe it's arse and eat it if you can catch it
                Really ? If that's the case then how come no one does.

                The last remaining hunter gatherers in the world all hunt with weapons and throw their kills onto a fire, even they don't eat it raw.
                Some carry their fire around with them, some create their own, but they all cook their meat and always have.

                Even a snooker player can spear his opponent with an 8mm tipped cue, rub two rests together to create fire and eat his slightly charred liver, some fava beans and a nice chianti for supper after a hard match.

                But the real point of my post is Ebdons negative influence on such a great long potter as Robertson; a weapon like that should give Robertson immense confidence, but he doesn't have it against the top players and resorts to Ebdons negativity like taking an immense amount of time and going to the bog after every frame.


                • #38
                  I think Robertson tends to become too negative under pressure and his natural game, which is his great strength, disappears.


                  • #39
                    I'm proud to be an Aussie and see him dressed, shaved and dressed absolutely immaculate in every respect, that said, he does tend to be a little slow when playing someone ranked in the top 8. The last person he should be listening to is Ebdon who was once a great player however those days have gone, evident by a 12min to make a 12 break .... unbearable.

                    IMO, O'Sullivan is the greatest player of all time and Trump may well be his pre successor, it's a pity he appears the way he does "unshaven and shoes not polished", I believe if he appeared as Robertson does and was to take a little pride in his appearance on T.V. he would win more than he does.
                    Last edited by blinky88; 2 April 2016, 05:44 PM.


                    • #40
                      Robertson did not always take his time - I remember him wining a lot of events playing fast - maybe he changed after the Hendry comment about his break building being amateurish maybe he just played negative to beat Dott by doing his head in during the worlds in 2010 and thought then that's the way to go or maybe Ebdon or someone else influenced him.

                      But I agree that he is hard to watch now and that's a shame his game changed. I hope he changes back and starts playing faster again. He does sometimes I notice against lesser players and plays much better.


                      • #41
                        but since the standard of the pro game now is so high maybe to stay high in the rankings is on his mind and he is trying to be consistent the way he plays each match as the days of say Davis as an example just winning everything is gone and anyone has a chance in any tourney now if he plays a smart evenly balanced game between attacking and safety he might go further in whichever comp hes playing but I will agree that he shouldnt take Ebdon as an role model for his game but then again I cant stand Ebdon


                        • #42
                          There is a balance to be struck yeah but it is a spectator sport too. Who wants to watch him clomping round the table trying to be perfect position on every shot?
                          He is virtually unwatchable at times now.

                          He won more when he was more fluid back then and he should have won two or three world titles by now - His entertainment value has gone and I think he has been assimilated by Ebborg - this all being said he is still number 2 in the world so he doing better than most of us so who cares what we think
                          Last edited by Byrom; 7 April 2016, 12:58 PM.

