Originally Posted by vmax4steve
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now i just line it up with my left eye and walk in on that line. i don't worry about my feet , where i plant the right foot ( i'm a RH player) as long as my stance allows me to get down on the line i see that's all what matters.
i use to make sure my right foot or heel was on the line of the shot, which meant i needed to twist into the shot and i found myself a lot of times to the right of where i wanted to be and on occasions when the margins were small and i couldn't detect it missed straight shots to the left.
i am still getting to grips with this method and 4 months on is still not 100% there, but in terms of improvement i am well off. my game this season has improved immensely, the league form proves that.
i'm not advocating everyone should do what i do, everyone should find their own way of sighting and getting on the line of the shot. it takes a lot of experimenting with different things (well for me it did) until you find what suits your game.
some naturally gifted players wont even think of this they might have just picked up a cue got down and started potting, that's great. but for some like myself of a particular age (no spring chicken) it doesn't come natural and we need to work on it.