Bit thought provoking this one so I don't know if there's a definitive answer. I know the scoreboard definitely affects the shot selection i.e putting a colour safe when well ahead but should you play differently depending on who you're playing?
One of the reasons I ask is because (not meaning to sound big-headed here) most of my practise partners are of a lower ability than me so I find I tend to push the boat out a bit and go for more risky shots. A friend of mine told me I really should be playing people of a higher standard to raise my game. I guess playing people of a higher standard means you get less chances in a frame but part of me thinks it shouldn't matter who you're playing when you're at the table. As a player trying to improve my game I'd welcome any opinions/advice, thanks!
One of the reasons I ask is because (not meaning to sound big-headed here) most of my practise partners are of a lower ability than me so I find I tend to push the boat out a bit and go for more risky shots. A friend of mine told me I really should be playing people of a higher standard to raise my game. I guess playing people of a higher standard means you get less chances in a frame but part of me thinks it shouldn't matter who you're playing when you're at the table. As a player trying to improve my game I'd welcome any opinions/advice, thanks!