I bought these on Ebay a while back delivered from China and I'm just putting it out there to be careful where you buy your tips from. I bought these on the off chance that they were genuine because they only cost £3.69 including postage for a box of 50 13mm Elk Master tips. I thought that they would be fakes but thought I'll give it a go for the sake of a few quid just in case they were genuine and it was a bargain. In the end it turned out that they were fakes (surprise surprise!). If you look at the first picture you can see that on the yellow quality seal the writing doesn't actually say 'Quality Seal', also at the top of the yellow label it says 'IMPORFED LLATHER' instead of Imported Leather! Lastly at the bottom of the yellow label it says 'Tweeten FIORE CO INC' instead of Tweeten Fibre Co. I'd say these are pretty obvious give-aways that they are fakes!
I've put this on here just so people can get an idea of what the fakes look like. Also the tips them self don't look like real Elk Master's, they are darker, have a lot more blue chalk on them which gets all over your hands they also look a bit shabby looking around the sides of the tips. If you want genuine tips you are always best off buying them from a reputable website or store rather than just random sellers on Ebay as you never know what you are getting otherwise. ADR147 has an Ebay shop and he sells genuine products so it gives Ebay a bit of a bad name really because there are genuine sellers on there but a hell of a lot of fakes.
Has anyone else ever come across any fake Elks or any other brand?
I bought these on Ebay a while back delivered from China and I'm just putting it out there to be careful where you buy your tips from. I bought these on the off chance that they were genuine because they only cost £3.69 including postage for a box of 50 13mm Elk Master tips. I thought that they would be fakes but thought I'll give it a go for the sake of a few quid just in case they were genuine and it was a bargain. In the end it turned out that they were fakes (surprise surprise!). If you look at the first picture you can see that on the yellow quality seal the writing doesn't actually say 'Quality Seal', also at the top of the yellow label it says 'IMPORFED LLATHER' instead of Imported Leather! Lastly at the bottom of the yellow label it says 'Tweeten FIORE CO INC' instead of Tweeten Fibre Co. I'd say these are pretty obvious give-aways that they are fakes!
I've put this on here just so people can get an idea of what the fakes look like. Also the tips them self don't look like real Elk Master's, they are darker, have a lot more blue chalk on them which gets all over your hands they also look a bit shabby looking around the sides of the tips. If you want genuine tips you are always best off buying them from a reputable website or store rather than just random sellers on Ebay as you never know what you are getting otherwise. ADR147 has an Ebay shop and he sells genuine products so it gives Ebay a bit of a bad name really because there are genuine sellers on there but a hell of a lot of fakes.
Has anyone else ever come across any fake Elks or any other brand?