Player shooting a red, misses red and hits blue, blue hits black and black is potted. Am I right that it's a 7 point foul?
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Fouls Question
Fouls Question
Black being pocketed when not ball on, and higher value than the blue originally fouled.
If blue and black pocketed together, again 7 penalty points as black higher value.
If the fouled blue hits black and blue pocketed but black not pocketed, five penalty points.Last edited by DeanH; 28 November 2017, 09:42 PM.Up the TSF! :snooker:
There are two separate fouls committed: first there's a failure to first hit a ball on (penalty 5 points in this case, being the higher value of ball on or ball concerned), and secondly you've pocketed a ball not on (penalty 7 points for the black). As always the highest penalty applies.
Just as an aside, and to be very pedantic, a ball can never be potted during a foul. A pot is a *legal* pocketing of a ball on (or free ball).Duplicate of banned account deleted