I mis-cue on deep screw shots consistently and its starting to effect my entire game.
Let me share what i did recently, saw my coach once again 2 months ago, and he said that my technique is has no problem, and i need to work on cueball height. eg: very bottom is 6, half tip above that is +5 , half above +4 , so work those out, and keep working on height of the cueball.
i been working on cueball height and controlling it for the past 2 months, however last 2 weeks, i hvae been mis-cuing alot, i mean alot, when play deep screw shots. its fine if i play abit heigher than i normally used to , but i dont get that deep screw effect, it gives me that stun screw shots. i am one of those that even my coach was impressed with my deep screw shots, but now i cant even screw back the black off spot with confident for the last 2 weeks.
things that i checked:
1. i realized that i sort of do like judd trump with delivering the cue ( the cue still in contact with chin when delivering - only for soft - medium shots , maybe like ronnie does it, he keeps the chin intouch with cue but for hard shots he doesnt, thats i think i am doing, and yes last year i was told to do this by my coach to deliver straighter.
2. i sort of see-saw my head like ronnie does, when i pull the cue back i tent to drop my head few mm but while the cue is touching the chin ( i never had this but as i get more confident i tend to do this )
then i stopped no1 and no2 head movements, but still miscuing.
I mis-cue on deep screw shots consistently and its starting to effect my entire game.
Let me share what i did recently, saw my coach once again 2 months ago, and he said that my technique is has no problem, and i need to work on cueball height. eg: very bottom is 6, half tip above that is +5 , half above +4 , so work those out, and keep working on height of the cueball.
i been working on cueball height and controlling it for the past 2 months, however last 2 weeks, i hvae been mis-cuing alot, i mean alot, when play deep screw shots. its fine if i play abit heigher than i normally used to , but i dont get that deep screw effect, it gives me that stun screw shots. i am one of those that even my coach was impressed with my deep screw shots, but now i cant even screw back the black off spot with confident for the last 2 weeks.
things that i checked:
1. i realized that i sort of do like judd trump with delivering the cue ( the cue still in contact with chin when delivering - only for soft - medium shots , maybe like ronnie does it, he keeps the chin intouch with cue but for hard shots he doesnt, thats i think i am doing, and yes last year i was told to do this by my coach to deliver straighter.
2. i sort of see-saw my head like ronnie does, when i pull the cue back i tent to drop my head few mm but while the cue is touching the chin ( i never had this but as i get more confident i tend to do this )
then i stopped no1 and no2 head movements, but still miscuing.
- so i had 2 chalks in my cue case, i put new chalks thought it could be chalk, but no.
- then i changed my tip like 3 times, nothing helped
- i thoght maybe i am doing something wrong with the grip, but no, i even tried 2 fingers still mis-cuing
- i checked if the cue is not parallel to the table, but it is fine
and today i got mad, and u know what i think i found out why! but i need some help from you experts to confirm it.
i think its my bridge hand, yes bridge hand
i always had very loose bridge however i had never problem with it, but since i've been working on cueball heights, and i practiced like 3-5 hours /5 days a week, for the last 2 months on cueball height. and now im adjusting different height of bridge hand according to cueball height which previously i didnt. and it has effected my bridge hand. and today i also checked that when i played deep screw my bridge hand is looser, as months ago , whenever i used to play screw shots i always tend to make my bridge hand solid.
i hope its the bridge hand, caz this mis-cuing is the worst thing i have ever seen. so annoying, so bad that it effects every other shots, and u cant even play snooker.
please do share if you ever had experienced this sort of stuff aswell