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level 1 coach vs level 2

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  • level 1 coach vs level 2

    I was looking for a snooker coach, and not sure whats level 1 and whats level 2 snooker coach?
    level 1 better or level 2?


  • #2
    Originally Posted by 15yellows View Post
    I was looking for a snooker coach, and not sure whats level 1 and whats level 2 snooker coach?
    level 1 better or level 2?

    You can see the differences here on the WPBSA website.
    Snooker Crazy - Cues and Equipment Sales Website
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    • #3
      Don't assume a coach is good or better than another purely based on a certificate attained by everyone who pays for the 2 or 3 day course. Frankly you'd deserve whoever you'd get.

      Every teacher in every school has a teaching diploma of some sort. The quality of their lessons vary enormously.

      The most qualified coach I know is also one of the least talented. He's a decent player, an intelligent man, but reliably fails to spot his students shortcomings and though they loyally return week after week, sometimes month after month, they all remain unimproved.

      By contrast, one of, if not the best coach I've seen in nearly 35 yrs of playing this game is a 24 yr old woman. Although she is an official WPBSA coach, her talent was apparent before she took the 'course' and became registered as one.
      I often use large words I don't really understand in an attempt to appear more photosynthesis.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by magicman View Post
        Don't assume a coach is good or better than another purely based on a certificate attained by everyone who pays for the 2 or 3 day course. Frankly you'd deserve whoever you'd get.

        Every teacher in every school has a teaching diploma of some sort. The quality of their lessons vary enormously.

        The most qualified coach I know is also one of the least talented. He's a decent player, an intelligent man, but reliably fails to spot his students shortcomings and though they loyally return week after week, sometimes month after month, they all remain unimproved.

        By contrast, one of, if not the best coach I've seen in nearly 35 yrs of playing this game is a 24 yr old woman. Although she is an official WPBSA coach, her talent was apparent before she took the 'course' and became registered as one.
        Do you mean her coaching talent was recognised immediately or as a player? Sounds good. How was it noticed? Just a good story so interested in coaches backgrounds.
        Snooker Crazy - Cues and Equipment Sales Website
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        Snooker Crazy - You Tube Channel


        • #5
          I was referring to her coaching ability, although she is an international player. Her greatest talent as a coach is to know immediately where the greatest flaw in a players technique is.

          Before she became an 'official' coach she could look around a snooker room and spot the problems of anyone playing. Once pointed out it appeared self evident. This person's stance is too narrow causing them to move slightly left on delivery to allow their hand to get by their hip. That person moves their head. This other aligns incorrectly. He/she slightly moves their bridgehand on delivery. Superb diagnostician.
          I often use large words I don't really understand in an attempt to appear more photosynthesis.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by magicman View Post
            I was referring to her coaching ability, although she is an international player. Her greatest talent as a coach is to know immediately where the greatest flaw in a players technique is.

            Before she became an 'official' coach she could look around a snooker room and spot the problems of anyone playing. Once pointed out it appeared self evident. This person's stance is too narrow causing them to move slightly left on delivery to allow their hand to get by their hip. That person moves their head. This other aligns incorrectly. He/she slightly moves their bridgehand on delivery. Superb diagnostician.
            This should be the norm should it not, rather than trying to get someone to adhere to something apparently textbook.
            Speak up, you've got to speak up against the madness, you've got speak your mind if you dare
            but don't try to get yourself elected, for if you do you'll have to cut your hair


            • #7
              In an ideal world yeah. We don't live in one unfortunately. How many teachers did you have at school or college who were rubbish? Presumably they were reasonably clever, had training, and yet they lacked something. The ability to impart their knowledge maybe? To make learning their subject interesting? To control the class? To talk in a voice that's good to listen to? Whatever. I had many teachers and can remember the good ones on 2 or 3 fingers
              I often use large words I don't really understand in an attempt to appear more photosynthesis.


              • #8
                Originally Posted by magicman View Post
                I was referring to her coaching ability, although she is an international player. Her greatest talent as a coach is to know immediately where the greatest flaw in a players technique is.

                Before she became an 'official' coach she could look around a snooker room and spot the problems of anyone playing. Once pointed out it appeared self evident. This person's stance is too narrow causing them to move slightly left on delivery to allow their hand to get by their hip. That person moves their head. This other aligns incorrectly. He/she slightly moves their bridgehand on delivery. Superb diagnostician.
                Like to see that, sounds really good.

                I wonder if she would have had the same skills by being a coach only and not a senior level player.

                Nice to see though and great to be around I'm sure!
                Snooker Crazy - Cues and Equipment Sales Website
                Snooker Crazy - Facebook Page
                Snooker Crazy - You Tube Channel


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by magicman View Post
                  Don't assume a coach is good or better than another purely based on a certificate attained by everyone who pays for the 2 or 3 day course. Frankly you'd deserve whoever you'd get.

                  Every teacher in every school has a teaching diploma of some sort. The quality of their lessons vary enormously.

                  The most qualified coach I know is also one of the least talented. He's a decent player, an intelligent man, but reliably fails to spot his students shortcomings and though they loyally return week after week, sometimes month after month, they all remain unimproved.

                  By contrast, one of, if not the best coach I've seen in nearly 35 yrs of playing this game is a 24 yr old woman. Although she is an official WPBSA coach, her talent was apparent before she took the 'course' and became registered as one.

                  What's she called?
                  It's hard to pot balls with a Chimpanzee tea party going on in your head



                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by GeordieDS View Post
                    What's she called?
                    I'd guess on Jess Woods?
                    #jeSuisMasterBlasterBarryWhite2v1977Luclex(andHisF ictiousTwin)BigSplash!


                    • #11
                      You'd guess correctly! Good work Sherlock Poirot!
                      I often use large words I don't really understand in an attempt to appear more photosynthesis.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by magicman View Post
                        You'd guess correctly! Good work Sherlock Poirot!
                        I believe shes the result of coaching from the mighty Roger Leighton
                        #jeSuisMasterBlasterBarryWhite2v1977Luclex(andHisF ictiousTwin)BigSplash!


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by bolton-cueman View Post
                          I believe shes the result of coaching from the mighty Roger Leighton
                          Is he still in China?

                          Wouldn't mind getting a few coaching lessons from Roger.

                          You come by any other decent coaches up north?


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by bolton-cueman View Post
                            I'd guess on Jess Woods?

                            Why guess?
                            It's hard to pot balls with a Chimpanzee tea party going on in your head



                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by GeordieDS View Post
                              Why guess?
                              because I didn't know for sure. Hence being a guess. Pretty obvious really.

                              Katie Henricks is the only other female coach I've heard of who's any good and she's older than 24.
                              #jeSuisMasterBlasterBarryWhite2v1977Luclex(andHisF ictiousTwin)BigSplash!

