Originally Posted by jayhoming
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Official Pocket Size
This is a sticky topic.
Originally Posted by moglet View PostThese might help:
I also wonder if there are pocket kits to tighten the pockets, like a strip of cushion can be attached to your pockets, making them "less undercut" to make pockets tighter.
would be great is Star made the templates available to purchase. According to them there's a set for World Snooker services and another at Star. If you purchase a Star table new they don't even use the world snooker official template which many snooker rooms have found out.
Only way to get the same as an event is to purchase a table after a pro event which is what i did.
Check out our cues at www.cuecreator.com
Originally Posted by cambridge View Postwould be great is Star made the templates available to purchase. According to them there's a set for World Snooker services and another at Star. If you purchase a Star table new they don't even use the world snooker official template which many snooker rooms have found out.
Only way to get the same as an event is to purchase a table after a pro event which is what i did.
Check out our cues at www.cuecreator.com
I have seen some so called tournament final tables slates in private homes and clubs , where not the ones used and could never have been , same can be said for some cushion sets .
a prime example is the BCE final table that cliff thorburn made his 147 break on in 1983 .
this table was sold three time to three different clubs
one was the first frame in Nottingham , the slates had lumps in them and where not true enough to have been used for a finals table on TV .
I was then informed of another club in Wales and one in Portsmouth also having a wall plaque up saying the table was the one used in Thorburns televised 147 break
all the fitters after consultation and input we found the cushions where used in the Portsmouth table and the Slates in Wales and the frame in the FIRST FRAME CLUB .[/SIGPIC]http://www.gclbilliards.com
Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View PostI have a set of IBSF templates and I'm pretty sure moglet has both IBSF and B&SCC plus engineered drawings of the WPBSA.
To show you how bad it is, moglet and I exchanged pictures of our IBSF templates and it certainly appeared his (an earlier version) were a different size than mine. Amazing!
Also, the templates do help but they definitely do not answer all the questions. Most people say automatically the pockets should be 3-1/2in and on my templates they are around that size at about 83.5mm, so slight smaller however they don't really tell you where to measure that width.
For a full sized table with 2-1/16in balls I'd recommend about 3-1/2in at the centre of the fall, not the top apex. This will produce reasonable sized pocket which will take a medium paced shot along the cushio. Middle pockets across the middle points of the fall are approx 4-1/2in and this will allow the pink to be 'slammed' into the middle pocket as the pros are able to do on their tables and also allows those sharply oblique middle shots to a degree
I was wondering if you would share the IBSF snooker table and pocket templates with me? As the thread is quite old, none of the previously postet files seem to work anymore.
It is for personal use, as I'd love to build my own table from scratch - would be great to know a bit more in detail what corresponds to "official" standards.
Hope this doesn't bother!
Thanks and regards,
Originally Posted by moglet View PostSome pocket Stuff
There seem to be so many threads asking questions about pocket templates, this looks to be the best coverage for the general topic.
Theses are dimensional drawings of the professional pockets checked against 2005 and 2006 Crucible tables:
This photo is of the IBSF template in a WPBSA cut pocket, a B&SCC template will not go into the same pocket and is as different as the IBSF comparison, but bigger:
This is a diagram of three templates overlaid, confusing for the IBSF pair, I think the finer green trace of the drop and undercut of the IBSF set (what's it doing there?) can be ignored unless someone has seen a Wiraka M1 set to this template. The finer blue trace indicates the amount of undercut on the B&SCC pocket. The top blue drop curve is what you might expect in a club:
These are the middle pockets, remember the IBSF and B&SCC are both undercut unlike the WPBSA. Again, the IBSF drop looks too far into the pocket?:
If you would like any information or drawings please PM me for IBSF, B&SCC, Riley/Rex Williams or WPBSA (Please say which year).
Heyhey moglet
As I just wrote to Terry, the same request to you:
Would you agree to share the snooker templates you have? It is for personal use and for the passion of snookerWould be really great!
my email: rockinama@yahoo.com
best regards,
Hi members,
I am also after a copy of the above mentioned templates to check my table. If someone can kindly email to me shanewinter88@yahoo.com that would be much appreciated.
Kind regards,
I was wondering about the size of pockets, on Full size Snooker tables (FSST) earlier on. I thought of that question, after Stephen Hendry played Ronnie O Sullivan in a game at Ronnie's house. Stephen asked Ronnie what the pocket sizes were. Ronnie replied that he was selling the table, because it had quite tight pockets.
Not being an expert in this, I just pressumed that (FSST) had a standard universal size, with regards to pockets.
A bit like full size goalposts. I presume they are the same dimensions, wether you play at Arsenal, or Manchester United.Join the CUE, take a BREAK, have a REST. ⚪🔴🟡🟢🟤🔵🟣⚫
I was wondering about the size of pockets, on Full size Snooker tables (FSST) earlier on. I thought of that question, after Stephen Hendry played Ronnie O Sullivan in a game at Ronnie's house. Stephen asked Ronnie what the pocket sizes were. Ronnie replied that he was selling the table, because it had quite tight pockets.
Not being an expert in this, I just pressumed that (FSST) had a standard universal size, with regards to pockets.
A bit like full size goalposts. I presume they are the same dimensions, wether you play at Arsenal, or Manchester United.Join the CUE, take a BREAK, have a REST. ⚪🔴🟡🟢🟤🔵🟣⚫
Originally Posted by Andrew Red Black View PostI was wondering about the size of pockets, on Full size Snooker tables (FSST) earlier on. I thought of that question, after Stephen Hendry played Ronnie O Sullivan in a game at Ronnie's house. Stephen asked Ronnie what the pocket sizes were. Ronnie replied that he was selling the table, because it had quite tight pockets.
Not being an expert in this, I just pressumed that (FSST) had a standard universal size, with regards to pockets.
A bit like full size goalposts. I presume they are the same dimensions, wether you play at Arsenal, or Manchester United.
So the pocket size can appear to be different but it isn't actually supposed to be, I think maybe in the case of Ronnie's home table, he went for a slightly tighter than average pocket to help in practice for tournament cuts, making them almost feel easier in comparison.
This is my own opinion and very open to others thoughts on the subject.⚪ 🔴🟡🟢🟤🔵💗⚫🕳️😎
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