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One Hit Wonders

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  • One Hit Wonders

    Watched a programme on C4 last night on one hit wonders in the music world, and had the idea, lets do the same for snooker player who won one major tournament and retired fell by the way side. This is just a bit of fun.

    Lets start. Tony Meo,

    Can think of more players ????

  • #2
    Possibly Andrew Higginson - although he has a good few years on his side.

    I was going to say Joe Johnson - but getting to consecutive world finals cannot be something you manage to fluke.


    • #3
      Its not really the same but with the worlds i see Dott being a one hit wonder, he is a very good player when his on form but i dont think he will win it again. Del Hill helped him to push up that extra level so with his input you never know, but thats my feeling. Id also be suprised if Murphy won it again as i think he strikes me as being one of those players who is only ment to win it that watch they will both be in the final this year now !


      • #4
        Originally Posted by Littlesense View Post
        you watch they will both be in the final this year now !
        Impossible although it is the 210th ranking event and Murphy won the 190th and 200th so maybe there is a pattern emerging. I hope not.
        TSF World Champion 2010
        TSF Snooker Prediction Contest Overall Champion 2006/07
        BBC Snooker Prediction Contest Overall Champion 2005/06


        • #5
          Originally Posted by Littlesense View Post
          Its not really the same but with the worlds i see Dott being a one hit wonder, he is a very good player when his on form but i dont think he will win it again. Del Hill helped him to push up that extra level so with his input you never know, but thats my feeling. Id also be suprised if Murphy won it again as i think he strikes me as being one of those players who is only ment to win it that watch they will both be in the final this year now !
          I lilke so many others could never have seen Dott win a world champship but he did and i think in the next 10/15 years we will see more shocks. What are the odd of Dott ever winning a big event again even Murphy has won just one and i think he has real talent when cuing well.


          • #6
            If you look at ranking tournaments, these are the players who have one only one:

            They are in order of titles, finals, semis and quarters (which are the figures after the names).

            A lot of these players spent many seasons in the top-16 so are probably out of the running for 'one hit wonder'; on another day it could have so easily been, say, Harold or Fu instead of, say, Dott and McManus, who managed a second.

            There are a few players here who spent only one season in the top-16 – Tony Jones (a contender) and Chris Small (without his illness who knows what kind of a player he would have been?)

            Anyway, here they are; I leave you to make of it what you will:

            Matthew Stevens 27 14 6 1
            Alex Higgins 16 11 6 1
            Nigel Bond 27 14 5 1
            Terry Griffiths 37 10 3 1
            Neal Foulds 22 8 3 1
            Willie Thorne 18 7 3 1
            Joe Johnson 13 5 3 1
            David Gray 6 3 3 1
            Dave Harold 23 9 2 1
            Mike Hallett 16 8 2 1
            Marco Fu 12 7 2 1
            Tony Meo 9 4 2 1
            Fergal O’Brien 12 3 2 1
            Steve James 11 8 1 1
            Silvino Francisco 10 4 1 1
            Chris Small 6 4 1 1
            Tony Jones 6 4 1 1
            John Spencer 5 1 1 1
            Bob Chaperon 2 1 1 1


            • #7
              This list is right up my street! Thank you very much! Now, there are two nicknames!


              • #8
                Interesting to note that there are not all that many players on that list who one feels is starting out his career and thus there are more to follow. Not as many as you might expect at any given time, anyway.


                • #9
                  Some great player listed , Steve James he won one major put an end to Higgins career at the worlds, got ill retired and i think he runs a pub in his home town. What about the rest of them. Terry Murphy was a good player as well now plays the Derry league when able to.


                  • #10
                    I should have thought about what i was typing, i havnt even looked to see who can play who....oops !


                    • #11
                      Well Dave Harold maybe it's all for his wins
                      David Gray is also looking gray last time
                      2007 TSF Pot Black prediction contest winner
                      2010 TSF Welsh Open Predict the qualifiers winner


                      • #12
                        Tony Jones won the European Open one year and did little else so maybe Tony was the most unlikely winner.


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by The Statman View Post
                          If you look at ranking tournaments, these are the players who have one only one:

                          They are in order of titles, finals, semis and quarters (which are the figures after the names).

                          A lot of these players spent many seasons in the top-16 so are probably out of the running for 'one hit wonder'; on another day it could have so easily been, say, Harold or Fu instead of, say, Dott and McManus, who managed a second.

                          There are a few players here who spent only one season in the top-16 – Tony Jones (a contender) and Chris Small (without his illness who knows what kind of a player he would have been?)

                          Anyway, here they are; I leave you to make of it what you will:

                          Matthew Stevens 27 14 6 1
                          Alex Higgins 16 11 6 1
                          Nigel Bond 27 14 5 1
                          Terry Griffiths 37 10 3 1
                          Neal Foulds 22 8 3 1
                          Willie Thorne 18 7 3 1
                          Joe Johnson 13 5 3 1
                          David Gray 6 3 3 1
                          Dave Harold 23 9 2 1
                          Mike Hallett 16 8 2 1
                          Marco Fu 12 7 2 1
                          Tony Meo 9 4 2 1
                          Fergal O’Brien 12 3 2 1
                          Steve James 11 8 1 1
                          Silvino Francisco 10 4 1 1
                          Chris Small 6 4 1 1
                          Tony Jones 6 4 1 1
                          John Spencer 5 1 1 1
                          Bob Chaperon 2 1 1 1
                          I don´t quite understand this one. Has Alex Higgins and Terry Griffiths only won 1 ranking tournament ? And has Matthew Stevens been in fourteen ranking tournament finals and only won one ?
                          ....its not called potting its called snooker. Quote: WildJONESEYE
                          "Its called snooker not potting" Quote: Rory McLeod


                          • #14
                            What do all these player do when they fall of the tour ? Terry Griffiths is a very susccesful coach, snooker club owner, Alex Higgins i see most day when working in Belfast, 1/2 pint in one hand and the racing post in the other and sad to say looks terrible the poor guy, Willie Thorne is in TV. What about the rest what do day do for a living as im sure the mony they got in snooker is hard to match in the working world ??

