Can anyone refer me to the rule which covers the case of a coloured ball which falls into a pocket after a red ball. I can see that if the colour falls first there may be a foul, but we used to count it differently until the Brits arrived. Also what's this about a red having to hit at least one cushion on the opening shot? Please point me to the rule either ibsf or other body.
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Potting a colour after a red
As to your first question, it is a foul if a colour is potted in the same stroke as a red. The rules don't state it that explicitly (if they do, I can't find it) but if you look at section 3, part 3.e, the red (or free ball) is the ball on for the duration of the stroke, so a colour is not the ball on at any point during the stroke. Section 3, part 12.b.iii says it's a foul if a ball not on is potted. I'd quote the rules in this post but I'm not sure that's allowed with the crackdown on copyright around here.
It's not as clear as I'd like it to be from the written rules but from my experience watching professional snooker I'm as sure as I can be that it's a foul, although I can't seem to remember any specific cases of it happening off the top of my head.
I've never heard of the second rule you mention, and I can't find anything like it in the official rules, although I think there's something similar to it in pool that may be the source of the confusion? I've also heard the odd one that if you miss the pack entirely on the break off shot, it's not a foul and the frame is restarted, but I can't find any reference to that either. Perhaps someone could verify that for me?
Anyway, I hope that cleared it up slightly.