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LASIK surgery

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  • #16
    I have some kind of problem as well. My sight is not well within one metre range which makes it difficult to focus from short to longer distance. I leave it as my highest break will never be more than around 60


    • #17
      hi all i had laser surgery 2 years ago my eyes were about -2 and -3 and i had astigmatisms in both the astigmatisms meant i could pot some balls easy even though hard cut ins but could not see balls straight in front off me etc
      my highest break was 69 before surgery i had a 69 and 63 in one week and only played twice a week but played to a good standard *with contact lenses wich were affected by smokey rooms (not a problem any more no smoking allowed)
      so i thought laser surgery = good eyesight my improvement would be even greater i had only been playing couple of years
      anyway when i went one eye was done but the other they said prescription was not suitable after this i flelt awfull like had a stroke so begged them to do other eye had it done although not to a perfect result
      in the end for general life my eyes are brill i can see over the road

      anyway if after your consultation they say you have suitable prescription to go ahead i would reccomend it

      pitfalls are my dominant eye changed and it does make a massive difference trust me for snooker my form dipped i was missing by miles when my brain was saying i was potting the ball i was way out you have to retrain it all over

      they also have a tendancy to leave one eye slightly longsighted and the other shortsighted on purpose (ask them about this before you jump in)

      2 years on with new cue i am playing ok had a 85 practising sort of a line up
      but not potting like i used to and rely a bit more on my safety side although i am winning more games in league now with a much lower handicap but expected to improve eitherway

      a bit longwinded sorry if vague and you need exact details just ask


      • #18
        I am short sighted, and have worn glasses for about 20 years.

        I use contact lenses to play snooker, and get on with them well.

        I have a friend who had corrective surgery and it has worked for them, but its something that i would not consider - I am comfortable enough playing in lenses - and keep a couple of spare pairs in my case - as i have forgotten to put them in before, and trying to pla in normal glasses is a complete nightmare!!


        • #19
          I've had LASIK eye surgury about 5 months ago and I must say I'm still getting used to life without glasses, snooker wise though it's one of the best decisons I've ever made. I've never regreted it since I've had it done. Warning though that the first week after surgury is unpleasent, not painful just unpleasent but its a small price to pay for good vision, I now play with perfect 20/20 vison and I'm improving all the time.
          -'Don't choke, don't choke, don't choke! aww I knew I was going to choke'-


          • #20

            Originally Posted by pooliebell View Post
            hi all i had laser surgery 2 years ago my eyes were about -2 and -3 and i had astigmatisms in both the astigmatisms meant i could pot some balls easy even though hard cut ins but could not see balls straight in front off me etc
            my highest break was 69 before surgery i had a 69 and 63 in one week and only played twice a week but played to a good standard *with contact lenses wich were affected by smokey rooms (not a problem any more no smoking allowed)
            so i thought laser surgery = good eyesight my improvement would be even greater i had only been playing couple of years
            anyway when i went one eye was done but the other they said prescription was not suitable after this i flelt awfull like had a stroke so begged them to do other eye had it done although not to a perfect result
            in the end for general life my eyes are brill i can see over the road

            anyway if after your consultation they say you have suitable prescription to go ahead i would reccomend it

            pitfalls are my dominant eye changed and it does make a massive difference trust me for snooker my form dipped i was missing by miles when my brain was saying i was potting the ball i was way out you have to retrain it all over

            they also have a tendancy to leave one eye slightly longsighted and the other shortsighted on purpose (ask them about this before you jump in)

            2 years on with new cue i am playing ok had a 85 practising sort of a line up
            but not potting like i used to and rely a bit more on my safety side although i am winning more games in league now with a much lower handicap but expected to improve eitherway

            a bit longwinded sorry if vague and you need exact details just ask
            hi pooliebell, i can only give you my explaination for one eye slightly long and the other slightly short and that is one eye for reading and the other for distance, no glasses at all.


            • #21
              Originally Posted by spookster13 View Post
              hi pooliebell, i can only give you my explaination for one eye slightly long and the other slightly short and that is one eye for reading and the other for distance, no glasses at all.
              ye i realised that but some people who want surgery to play snooker may not want that and may prefer both eyes same standard cheers

