Reading through this web page, I never knew that the yanks play to a different rule book; have a look at this web page to see the differences, which are numerous.
For any of our American buds (SD), is this true? E.g. a foul for not making a ball hit the cushion if you don't pot anything (would make roll-ups impossible and the break-off onerous) , numbered colours, no foul for hitting 2 colours at the same time but your 'innings' ends, no touching ball etc.
It seems like "American Snooker" is trying to take some ideas from pool.... but is this right?
For any of our American buds (SD), is this true? E.g. a foul for not making a ball hit the cushion if you don't pot anything (would make roll-ups impossible and the break-off onerous) , numbered colours, no foul for hitting 2 colours at the same time but your 'innings' ends, no touching ball etc.
It seems like "American Snooker" is trying to take some ideas from pool.... but is this right?