Originally Posted by davis_greatest
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Puzzles with numbers and things
Originally Posted by dantuck_7Even though this is meant to be quickfire - can you give us all until midnight - have to get some work done!"If anybody can knock these three balls in, this man can."
David Taylor, 11 January 1982, as Steve Davis prepared to pot the blue, in making the first 147 break on television.
One attempt in for round 254 (not quite right yetbut close
Let me just clarify part (b)...
Originally Posted by davis_greatest...(b) (harder) When Nuggins plays Windywhirl, Nuggins’s superior skill makes a 4-2 final score (which could be to either ape) exactly 3 times as likely as a draw. What is the chance that they will share the first two frames?"If anybody can knock these three balls in, this man can."
David Taylor, 11 January 1982, as Steve Davis prepared to pot the blue, in making the first 147 break on television.
Originally Posted by davis_greatestRound 253 - Another Big Ape Break Bonanza
... identical to round 251, except that now potting a colour into a pocket of the same colour as the ball scores double points AND a penalty of 5 points (so potting pink into pink pocket would score 2x6 -5 = 7 points - that's double points for the pink but then 5 points deducted).
purple in purple (17) - silver in green (9) - olive in olive (15) - orange in pink (8) -
purple in purple (17) - silver in green (9) - olive in olive (15) - orange in pink (8) -
purple in purple (17) - silver in silver (13) - black in black (9) - orange in orange (11) -
olive in olive (15) - silver in pink (9) - purple in purple (17)
15 reds
yellow in green (2) - green in yellow (3) - brown in blue (4) - blue in brown (5) - pink in pink (7) - black in black (9) - orange in orange (11) - silver in yellow (9) - olive in green (10) - purple in purple (17)
in total 189+15+77= 281
In this case ... 282 is possibe
yellow in green (2) - green in yellow (3) - brown in blue (4) - blue in brown (5) - pink in pink (7) - black in black (9) - orange in brown (8) - silver in silver (13) - olive in green (10) - purple in purple (17)
Originally Posted by MoniqueIn this case ... 282 is possibe
... silver in silver (13) - olive in green (10) ...
281 is the highest possible."If anybody can knock these three balls in, this man can."
David Taylor, 11 January 1982, as Steve Davis prepared to pot the blue, in making the first 147 break on television.
Originally Posted by davis_greatestRound 254 - Monique is in with the first correct answer to part (a)
dantuck (or anyone else) - would you please put your explanations up on the thread? (I wasn't sure if your part (b) answer was a complete guess!)
"If anybody can knock these three balls in, this man can."
David Taylor, 11 January 1982, as Steve Davis prepared to pot the blue, in making the first 147 break on television.
my mistake ... yes you can't pot olive anywhre if you want purple in purple.
a). There are 30 combinations that would result in a scoreline of 4-2 or 2-4 out of 2^6 possible combinations.
So thats 30/64.
Part b) First work out the probability of Nuggins to win a single frame (came to 0.211.....) then work out the chance of 1-1 after 2 frames.
Wil expand on this later unless anyone else wants to post. Monique?
Originally Posted by dantuck_7R254
a). There are 30 combinations that would result in a scoreline of 4-2 or 2-4 out of 2^6 possible combinations.
So thats 30/64.
Part b) First work out the probability of Nuggins to win a single frame (came to 0.211.....) then work out the chance of 1-1 after 2 frames.
Wil expand on this later unless anyone else wants to post. Monique?A couple of points though:
- you don't need to work out the probability of Nuggins winning a single frame, since as you have seen, that is rather a messy number - you can get to the answer more directly;
- if you do go down that route, the probability you have given is that of Windywhirl winning a frame - remember that Nuggins is better than Windywhirl so Nuggins's chance of winning each frame is greater than 1/2.
PS If I get a minute, I'll edit this post and put the solution to part (b) in hidden text...
Edit: here is explanation for part (b) in hidden text - select to read.
The answer to part (b) is 1/3.
We can see this as follows:
N = chance that Nuggins wins each frame
W = chance that Windywhirl wins each frame
So .............(i) N+W = 1
Square equation (i) to get
............(ii) (N+W)² = N² + W² + 2NW = 1
Number of ways of choosing 2 frames from 6 for a player to lose is (6 x 5) / (2 x 1 ) = 15
chance that Nuggins wins 4-2 is 15 N^4 W²
chance that Windywhirl wins 4-2 is 15 N² W^4
So chance of 4-2 result is:
............(iii) 15 (N^4 W² + N² W^4)
Number of ways of choosing 3 frames from 6 is (6 x 5 x 4) / (3x2 x 1 ) = 20
So chance of 3-3 draw is
............(iv) 20 N³ W³
We were told that (iii) = 3 x (iv), i.e.
15 (N^4 W² + N² W^4) = 60 N³ W³
Divide both sides by 15 W² N² to get
N² + W² = 4 NW
............(v) N² + W² + 2NW = 6 NW
Substitute (ii) into (v) to get 1 = 6NW
Chance of the first 2 frames being shared is NW + WN = 2NW = 1/3.
)"If anybody can knock these three balls in, this man can."
David Taylor, 11 January 1982, as Steve Davis prepared to pot the blue, in making the first 147 break on television.
OK, a very easy one – with no probability!
Round 255 (=1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128) – Snooker Triangle
Set up the snooker balls as usual for the start of a frame (ignore the cue ball – leave it in your pocket / handbag). Now, move as few balls as possible in order to rearrange the balls into one equilateral triangle, with every horizontal row* worth the same number of points. The triangle must have its apex at the same place as it would usually be at the start of a frame, i.e. as close as possible to (without touching) a hypothetical ball on the pink spot.
*a horizontal row means a row parallel to the top cushion
How many balls do you move, and where?
Answers by Private Message / pager please"If anybody can knock these three balls in, this man can."
David Taylor, 11 January 1982, as Steve Davis prepared to pot the blue, in making the first 147 break on television.
Round 255 update - Monique has now answered this... and snookersfun also has the arrangement and just needs to count how many balls were moved, in order to answer the question!"If anybody can knock these three balls in, this man can."
David Taylor, 11 January 1982, as Steve Davis prepared to pot the blue, in making the first 147 break on television.
Originally Posted by snookersfunR.254: either this or that...
same as usual, just two clue options for each line, so you have to choose the correct clue. Have fun
The next answer can go onto the thread, after tomorrow 7pm BST Monique or Abextra can put up their answers.
Originally Posted by davis_smartest... and snookersfun also has the arrangement and just needs to count how many balls were moved, in order to answer the question!
Originally Posted by davis_greatestOK, a very easy one – with no probability!
Round 255 (=1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128) – Snooker Triangle
Set up the snooker balls as usual for the start of a frame (ignore the cue ball – leave it in your pocket / handbag). Now, move as few balls as possible in order to rearrange the balls into one equilateral triangle, with every horizontal row* worth the same number of points. The triangle must have its apex at the same place as it would usually be at the start of a frame, i.e. as close as possible to (without touching) a hypothetical ball on the pink spot.
*a horizontal row means a row parallel to the top cushion
How many balls do you move, and where?
Answers by Private Message / pager please"If anybody can knock these three balls in, this man can."
David Taylor, 11 January 1982, as Steve Davis prepared to pot the blue, in making the first 147 break on television.