A stab in the dark here but how about this...
The game of snooker was
invented by Neville
Chamberlain in 1875. Everyone
knows that. Or to be more
precise, this is today’s
commonly accepted theory.
But prior to 1938 there was an
equally accepted theory that
the game been introduced by
a “Colonel Snooker” of the
Royal Artillery. Then came the
momentous day when Sir
Neville Francis Fitzgerald
Chamberlain at last responded to the umpteenth letter
speculating on the game’s origins and staked his own
claim, which was published in The Field on 19th March
1938. This was apparently provoked by another claim
in the same magazine, that the game had been
invented at “The Shop”, a term used to describe the
Royal Military Academy at Woolwich.
Neville Chamberlain waited for an amazingly long time
before revealing himself as the Father of the game.
Despite unremitting speculation on the subject since
the game became popular in England in the late 1880’s,
Chamberlain waited until he was in his 83rd year to
reveal that he created the game of snooker in 1875,
some 63 years previously!
The game of snooker was
invented by Neville
Chamberlain in 1875. Everyone
knows that. Or to be more
precise, this is today’s
commonly accepted theory.
But prior to 1938 there was an
equally accepted theory that
the game been introduced by
a “Colonel Snooker” of the
Royal Artillery. Then came the
momentous day when Sir
Neville Francis Fitzgerald
Chamberlain at last responded to the umpteenth letter
speculating on the game’s origins and staked his own
claim, which was published in The Field on 19th March
1938. This was apparently provoked by another claim
in the same magazine, that the game had been
invented at “The Shop”, a term used to describe the
Royal Military Academy at Woolwich.
Neville Chamberlain waited for an amazingly long time
before revealing himself as the Father of the game.
Despite unremitting speculation on the subject since
the game became popular in England in the late 1880’s,
Chamberlain waited until he was in his 83rd year to
reveal that he created the game of snooker in 1875,
some 63 years previously!