I don't want to be a killjoy, but I'll wait and see a bit before I believe this news. There has been talk about a ranker here since the last one in Frankfurt 1997. Nothing ever happened, though
Given the costs (some 1 Mio EUR) and the lack of sponsors - even in good economical climate, leave alone crisis -, it would be allmost impossible to put on stage without massive support from the WSPBA itself. It would be next to a miracle, if Hearn could make that happen.
Would love to see that dream coming true

Given the costs (some 1 Mio EUR) and the lack of sponsors - even in good economical climate, leave alone crisis -, it would be allmost impossible to put on stage without massive support from the WSPBA itself. It would be next to a miracle, if Hearn could make that happen.
Would love to see that dream coming true
