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Ssb - the greatest

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  • Ssb - the greatest

    Fora time this afternoon Stephen Hendry was the no.1 trending topic on Twitter.

    Iwonder what this meant to him? Knowing Stephen, probably nothing. Neither didall the handshakes and congratulations, well meant though they were. Neither, even,will the money, welcome though it is.

    Why?Because for the authentic greats of sport, achievement is all. To have made athird Crucible 147, the 11th of his career, is what really matters.Everything around it – all the platitudes and comment – is an irrelevance.

    Muchof sport exists as a soap opera. Snooker is not immune. But amidst the tantrumsand spats and hype, we must never forget that the true test of greatness insport is achievement.

    Hendryhas achieved more than any other player of the television age and todayunderlined once again why he is, by any objective measure, the greatest.

    Thefirst few shots of the maximum were all missable but he quickly achieved primeposition and never looked like missing, even potting a Thorburnesque yellow.

    Iread in the Daily Telegraph today that Judd Trump had suddenly made snookermore attacking.

    Trumpis a delight to watch but snooker has been attacking for more than 20 years.

    Hendryis the modern era’s true game-changer. He pioneered a way of playing which allthose who came after him copied. Some, such as Ronnie O’Sullivan and JohnHiggins, have arguably improved on it.

    Butthe reason they all play how they do is because they saw Hendry do it, toremarkable effect in his pomp.

    Today’soverall performance was a reminder of what made him so great: all out attack,nerveless potting and clinical break-building.

    Thisis the way snooker is now routinely played – witness Neil Robertson’s threesuccessive centuries on the other table.

    Thequestion now is how far Hendry can go in this tournament. On this form a longway, but let’s not get carried away.

    Welive in an age of opinions – blogs, forums, Twitter and the rest. But when allthe chatter is blown away and forgotten – which it will be – achievements willstand in time.

    StephenHendry’s achievements will be looked back on by snooker historians of thefuture as landmark feats, defining the era in which snooker saw playing standards rise.

    Asfor the present, the game can cherish a champion still capable of defying theyears, the critics and the comment.

    Whenall else is gone, his achievements speak for themselves.


  • #2
    Couldn't agree more, it's great to see SH playing so well again - not sure what's happening with the formatting of your message though. It looks as though the first space on every line is missing!!


    • #3
      I suspect that even the 147, nice though it is, will be something he regards as largely redundant - the likes of Hendry are only happy when they're winning tournaments, the rest is merely window dressing.


      • #4
        Ronnie O'Sullivan is the best player of all time, but Hendry is the greatest.
        Tear up that manure-fed astroturf!


        • #5
          Originally Posted by eaoin11 View Post
          Ronnie O'Sullivan is the best player of all time,but Hendry is the greatest.
          I wouldn't take much notice of the paid media's opinion,it's all scones and a cup o cocoa,mmm yummy.


          • #6
            You're right, but I am quite a fan of these blogs.
            Tear up that manure-fed astroturf!


            • #7
              I'll go for Ronnie... SH might be good for what he has achieved but Ronnie gives me more touching moments and excitements... Hope Ding is getting as near as possible to Ronnie and Stephen...

