Ronnie O’Sullivan will return to action in October after signing the World Snooker players’ contract which had been a bone of contention all summer.
O’Sullivan has not played competitively since he won a fourth world title last May, claiming the contract was ‘too onerous.’
World Snooker refused to offer any money for promotional activities and a stalemate ensured.
However, O’Sullivan’s management has tonight reported that O’Sullivan has entered the International Championship, a new ranking event in China, and the UK Championship.
I don’t have any insight into what has changed but Clive Everton got it spot on in his Snooker Scene editorial this month: O’Sullivan should abide by his professional responsibilities but at the same time World Snooker should be reasonable with the amount of things it expects him to do in the name of promotion.
The best way for any top player to promote the game is to play it. When O’Sullivan plays it a full house is guaranteed.
O’Sullivan said he wanted a rest after the Crucible and he has had one. Perhaps not playing has reminded him of how much he enjoyed snooker in the first place.

O’Sullivan has not played competitively since he won a fourth world title last May, claiming the contract was ‘too onerous.’
World Snooker refused to offer any money for promotional activities and a stalemate ensured.
However, O’Sullivan’s management has tonight reported that O’Sullivan has entered the International Championship, a new ranking event in China, and the UK Championship.
I don’t have any insight into what has changed but Clive Everton got it spot on in his Snooker Scene editorial this month: O’Sullivan should abide by his professional responsibilities but at the same time World Snooker should be reasonable with the amount of things it expects him to do in the name of promotion.
The best way for any top player to promote the game is to play it. When O’Sullivan plays it a full house is guaranteed.
O’Sullivan said he wanted a rest after the Crucible and he has had one. Perhaps not playing has reminded him of how much he enjoyed snooker in the first place.