What do you guys think about my letter I sended to Sega?
Here it is:
Since a week I have World Snooker Championship 2007 for the Xbox. I like the concept very much of playing a career with an own created player and I am already addicted to the game.
Still there is something which is not correct about the game and that is ball physics. I play snooker in real life and I am a very good clubplayer. So I can tell the difference between the real thing and the game.
The main problem is that the ball loses far too much pace after hitting an object ( cushion, other ball ). The result is that you have to shoot much too hard to get the ball round the table.
For example, the break-off shot; compare the speed of the ball on a real snooker table and the game. In real life the ball slows down more smoothly, losing fewer pace. I am a programmer myself and I think this can be fixed by tweaking a gravity- parameter.
An example of a game that has worked out the ball physics to perfection is Virtual Pool 3 of Celeris ( http://www.celeris.com) . If you get the ball-physics like that game, you have a top game, together with all the extra's your game offers.
I am very much interested in an answer from the programmer (s) of the ball physics and I like to see a patch to improve those ball physics.
Here it is:
Since a week I have World Snooker Championship 2007 for the Xbox. I like the concept very much of playing a career with an own created player and I am already addicted to the game.
Still there is something which is not correct about the game and that is ball physics. I play snooker in real life and I am a very good clubplayer. So I can tell the difference between the real thing and the game.
The main problem is that the ball loses far too much pace after hitting an object ( cushion, other ball ). The result is that you have to shoot much too hard to get the ball round the table.
For example, the break-off shot; compare the speed of the ball on a real snooker table and the game. In real life the ball slows down more smoothly, losing fewer pace. I am a programmer myself and I think this can be fixed by tweaking a gravity- parameter.
An example of a game that has worked out the ball physics to perfection is Virtual Pool 3 of Celeris ( http://www.celeris.com) . If you get the ball-physics like that game, you have a top game, together with all the extra's your game offers.
I am very much interested in an answer from the programmer (s) of the ball physics and I like to see a patch to improve those ball physics.