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WSC Real 2011

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  • @Dark Energy

    Why couldn't the controls just be like Virtual Pool or the superb Wii Play pool. The pull back and release forward mode... also like Carom3D controls.

    Maintain the current and have the other option as well :-)


    • I managed to pick it up for 30 quid in asda today. Might give it a whirl later today (PS3 version) How do you enable move as I do have a move controller


      • Argh!

        I've been playing this game since way back in the PS1 days, and have loved every version. No wait. I loved every version until the next gen reared its head.

        Tell me how you can be given extra processing power and make a game thats worse than a game running on weaker hardware? Before the only difference in last gen versions were bump mapped reflections on xbox/Pc and not on Ps2. They all played fantastic games of snooker.

        I brought the new one, after reading this forum, with high hopes. And then played it. Damn it DE - I'm getting sick of supporting you now, it's like loving a puppy who keeps ripping the house apart every time you go out. Patches for table spots ffs?!? Have you ever been to a club? Why take away over head table view on a break? I have no idea where the white ends up now, because I also hate the posistional aid spot (talk about taking all the challenge out of the game, i've seen people online adjusting spin like crazy, just so that spot goes where they want it . . . no skill AT ALL), but now I have no idea until after the shot and its so annoying.

        Please sort it, or sell the license on. Go back to Hydrophobia . . . no wait, that was rubbish too wasn't it?


        • Does anyone think that the Yellow, Green and Brown look a bit too high?


          • Our local Morrisons (Skegness) didn't even bother getting the game in, as the predicted sales for the game was a measly 3. Tesco hasn't got it either, therefore the only place it is available is, is at Game .... who are trying to charge £39.99 (hahahahahaahahahah not a prayer!!!!!!) Will have to wait to get hands on it, but seeing as stockists aren't taking the copies on board; the future looks bleak for the series.


            • John Virgo doing the pool commentary? what's that all about?


              • Yes I agress with the above and esp as DE said the game would be 29.99 and now all stores are charing 40 quid. Could he/she explain this.

                However i have been very critical of the game since I rented it. I will buy it if DE announces what will be patched. They must have enough feedback now to go on.


                • Opponent 48 behind with one red left. He gets me in a snooker. I fail to hit the red and a miss is called. Epic fail.


                  • Originally Posted by ANDY0001 View Post
                    Well Done Dark Energy for listening to us. My flaws as follows

                    1. No spots on table.

                    2. Please get the tournament rounds right ie I should not be playing John Higgins in a qualifier round No 4 when in fact it should be the 1st round of the actual tournament.

                    3. Get the ref back.

                    If you patch this then ill buy it. Options 1 and 2 and the most important.
                    I would say sorting the controls out aer important too if you can do all these things DE you may just about reedeem yourselves


                    • Originally Posted by RedThunder View Post
                      @Dark Energy

                      Why couldn't the controls just be like Virtual Pool or the superb Wii Play pool. The pull back and release forward mode... also like Carom3D controls.

                      Maintain the current and have the other option as well :-)
                      that'skind of what I meant when I said the conrtols aer all over the place if they'd just put the 2005 contyrols and kept them this would be much simpler or added a customise feature like EA do with FIFA I like what I'm seeing elsewhere in the game in terms of the aiming and positional aids as they'er much clearer now but it's the rest of it that seems to have gone to pot (no pun intended)


                      • I do too haven't tried it yet though will give it a try at somepoint over the next few days hopefully I can't do much worse than with the control system as it is


                        • Originally Posted by mark771977 View Post
                          I've been playing this game since way back in the PS1 days, and have loved every version. No wait. I loved every version until the next gen reared its head.

                          Tell me how you can be given extra processing power and make a game thats worse than a game running on weaker hardware? Before the only difference in last gen versions were bump mapped reflections on xbox/Pc and not on Ps2. They all played fantastic games of snooker.

                          I brought the new one, after reading this forum, with high hopes. And then played it. Damn it DE - I'm getting sick of supporting you now, it's like loving a puppy who keeps ripping the house apart every time you go out. Patches for table spots ffs?!? Have you ever been to a club? Why take away over head table view on a break? I have no idea where the white ends up now, because I also hate the posistional aid spot (talk about taking all the challenge out of the game, i've seen people online adjusting spin like crazy, just so that spot goes where they want it . . . no skill AT ALL), but now I have no idea until after the shot and its so annoying.

                          Please sort it, or sell the license on. Go back to Hydrophobia . . . no wait, that was rubbish too wasn't it?
                          I actually thought the positionl aid was a good idea given that's one area of the game I've always struggled with it may be annoying when playing online I don't know as I don't play online I generally go up against the computer and just stick with career mode asnd I find I need to use it just to stand a chance of beating the opposition


                          • In single player the pos-aid is fine. I just think it should be off by default for online ranked matches. Having to wait half an hour while the guy chooses which combination of spin he requires to get EXACTLY where he needs to be is kinda annoying. Up down left left left down . . . christ just play the shot!


                            • Oh yeah, and don't hold your breath for a patch. This will be the FIRST TIME ever they've listened to us. It ain't coming, just like the advancements they promised to the game engine.


                              • Just the 1 commentator this year?

