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question for dark energy digital

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  • question for dark energy digital

    i would like too ask if the rules on wsc real 2011 are more realistic to real life,as the rules in wsc 09 are not even close to good the miss rule accurate now for instance if im snookered i can look for a safe area and deliberatly miss in real life this would be miss all the time also if sumone fouls can you actually go to table and look around before putting opponent back in and is the three foul forfeit frame rule back to thanks very much anfield man:snooker:

  • #2
    lost count of the amount of times you quit on me when i was gonna clear up on '09. lol.


    • #3
      To say ive never even played you you tool and also i never quit idiot


      • #4
        Ps you spanner come on wsc 2011 no aids n we will c who quits you lying muppet


        • #5
          just proved you wrong then you abuse me on xbox your really sad and a pathetic liar too you have never played me like i said to you i only ever played people on my friend list on wsc 09 cos of cheats ive never pulled on any one like i havnt ever played you as you aint ever been on my friend list as for calling me a sad **** ur a sadder **** spreading false storys you stupid sorry lying excuse for a human being so keep dreaming oneday youll wake up you saddo


          • #6
            one more thing just to prove you wrong you lying fool when wsc 2009 came out i wasnt even called anfield man no8 but seen as you remember something that didnt happen im sure you can tell me what my gamertag was b4 i changed it eh plainly put your a liar fella and next time you send messages like you sent me on xbox tonight il be getting police involved to go through xbox and have you banned thats the thing with saddos like you that could be someones little kid at other end but you dont think of that ps you are like your m8 dyson a puller and a liar as dyson is one of biggest cheats ever to play the game from wsc 2007 up to now


            • #7
              "getting police involved to go through xbox and get you banned".

              good luck with that. lol.

              the only liar is you pal. i only ever played WSC 09 online once and it was against you. never played it online again cos quitting didn't count. IT WAS DEFFO YOU.

              oh and how is Dyson my m8 as you put it? haha. ur a joke.

              don't worry bout me sending you another msg on xbox live cos i blocked comms on YOU. if anyone should be getting police involved it should be me cos of the bombardment of messages you sent to my gamertag! i believe the term is 'harrassment'. now here's a little tip for you. why not stop getting all upset and crying over a videogame and GET A LIFE yeah.
              Last edited by wiseguy100; 21 April 2011, 12:18 PM.


              • #8
                Originally Posted by wiseguy100 View Post
                lost count of the amount of times you quit on me when i was gonna clear up on '09. lol.
                Originally Posted by wiseguy100 View Post
                .....the only liar is you pal. i only ever played WSC 09 online once and it was against you. never played it online again cos quitting didn't count.
                Hmmm well if you only played him once, how can you lose count of the number of times it happened lol
                Now if you 2 children could stop arguing please that would be nice


                • #9
                  Figure of speech in pointing out his hypocrisy. Anyway life is way too short to be giving this shut-in anymore of my time.


                  • #10
                    pmsl your a freak you make wild accusations then abuse peeps when your wrong like i said i wasnt even anfield man then you freak yet you said you distinctly remembered my tag your an arse clown big man behind your console fag elsewhere i know i aint played you so two words for you you abusive ***** sure you know what they are


                    • #11
                      cheers for that jrc750 lol good point ive never played the guy only played peeps on my fl on wsc 07 and 09 cos of cheats and hes never bin on it so i know ive never played him but thanks for that good point simple fact is i never harrassed him asked why he was accusing me of sumet that hasnt happend then he said he remembered my tag yet i was called hardandkeen when 09 first came out but then he said he remembered anfield man tag distinctly lol bit odd then got loads of abuse hes a liar lol anyone on wsc 07,09 will say i never cheated if connection went i reset match up and gave em the game that simple dont matter if i win or lose i enjoy the game this guys just a freaky gob****e


                      • #12
                        ps your crying mush not me you started this think you will find this thread said for dark enery or cant you read ps you get a life oh forgot your life is sending anyone abuse on xbox not even knowing if its kids very very sad but if it makes you feel like a big man knock yourself out but have too say your pathetic


                        • #13
                          sending abuse over xbox live...erm you're the one that bombarded my gamertag with constant messages that i had to press block comms on you. is it really this important to you that ppl not know ur a quitter? love how you keep calling me a liar and come up with crap about not being called anfield man 08. so if i played you on 09 then why would you have changed your name to 08 a year that had already been and gone lol....who's the liar again?!?!

                          anyway no need to reply cos i deffo won't be coming back onto this thread cos you're a very sad lonely guy who obviously doesn't get out much. seeya weirdo.


                          • #14
                            last post here to my own personnal stalker pmsl you say figure of speech to lost count too how many times i quit on you funny that as the message you sent me on my console says n i quote i quit on you then you played me 3 more times and i quit all of them your lies change faster than the weather simple fact when you learn to read you aint ever been on my fl i only played my friends on wsc 07 09 and seen as you have never been on my list I AINT EVER PLAYED YOU

