Originally Posted by SnookDude
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The thing is, there just is no any reasonable solution for this. You missed my point in the paragraph You were partly quoting. The game is World Championship Snooker and the AI player skill is what you can expect from a game named like that, extremely good. This is forcing the player to use aiming aids, easy, normal or hard. When forcing the player to use aiming aids, the game is forcing the player to aim in a whole different way than the aiming is done when playing on a real table. Even when playing on the hardest difficulty level. Lets take an example:
When the player is aiming, where is his/her eyes focused on? Yes, on the object ball direction arrow. Actually on the far-end enging point of it, away from the object ball itself. I bet when you are only even watching the video, even Your eyes are focused into that same arrow. Which is located totally on the wrong side of the object balls and cueballs contact point where your eyes would be focused at on a real life play.
In short, the aiming system is not the same as it is when playing on a real table.
One question crossed my mind when watching the gameplay video above (again about the arrows

When you are aiming the object ball, the arrow appears. But what if you are not trying to pot the ball, you want to play a safety shot. A one with very thin cut. In real life play there is allways a change to miss the object ball in these situations, but how about in the game? I mean with the arrow, when the player is aiming and trying to tune the angle as thin as possible. Is the arrow dissapearing when the game "notices" the player is going to miss the object ball? If it dissapears the game is telling straight to the player that he/she is going to miss the object ball and have to take the shot with a little bit of less thin cut. And the same thing if you are partly snookered, lets say behind one color ball which is blocking 9/10 of the object ball. Can the player use that arrow-appearing/dissapearing to see if he/shes going to hit the wrong ball?
Again, yes the arrows can be disabled. But do you even have a change to win without the arrows? Again we are in the starting point.