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Refereeing question.
Player 1 is at the table and pots red then black then strikes red. A member of the crowd calls out "is that a foul then?" The referee had not replaced...
Keep shooting after a foul?
So, player A is feathering a red next to the black, his tip touches the red by mistake. He knows it, but he shots at the red and draws the cue ball all...
Free Ball Or Not....
Hi gents, last night whilst breaking off I managed to miss all the reds (and all the colours too) and leave the white back in balk. My elderly opponent...
Please help me. I have a couple of questions on fouls. When are the balls returned to their original positions and the striker made to play again ...
quick question
when i was playing a few months ago in a knockabout at the club, the other player hit his shot, the white jumped onto the cushion off the angle of the...
Foul or not? Player assisting a referee after a miss
Parrott just moved the white ball with his hand when trying to replace the balls. Isn't that a foul?
Penalty on this foul please?
This was a real odd one... I play off of the reds and the white stops near the yellow pocket. Opponent comes to table and when I look up from my ...
Re-spotting Blue and Pink (both went in!)
Hi guys, need some advice on rules, here's what happened in a frame last night: My friend was on a colour and nominated the blue, potted it, and inc...
Strange foul. Respot Question
Last week the following happened and we were unsure of what to do.
Please take a look at the pic....
Unusual foul
Last night we were playing a four hand, i'd potted a red and then played a long blue into the yellow pocket, the blue rattled and went along the side...
another question
i was in a chinese snooker and was going for a red. i'm cueing over the brown ball and take my shot . but i feather the brown and call a foul on myself...
Is a miscue ALWAYS a foul?
An opponent called a foul on a miscue.
Cueball hit object ball, however, he said that the distinctive sound of a miscue is caused by a double-strike...
Ball on Edge of Pocket
9. Ball on Edge of Pocket (a) If a ball falls into a pocket without being hit by another ball, and being no part of any stroke in progress, it shall be re...
Rules Help Please
Can somebody tell me, does the miss rule only apply to when a player is snookered. What if a player, playing a safety shot just tries to play a very thin...