thats one of the things i hate when me cue comes back from there. always have some wire wool before i use the cue. other than that, never have any complaints.
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Craftsman classic cue
basically several coates of oil are applied to the cue, the oil has to dry between coates (usually left over night) and then matted down ready for the next coat. This oiling process can take up to a week to complete. It's possible the top coat of oils was not fully dry before the wax was applied. As one of the other members mentioned (wire wool), this is a excellent material to use for lightly matting the surface of the cue down should it feel sticky. At the same time it will not remove any wood or mis-shape the cue like sandpaper can, Please only use the finest grade available usually listed as #0000.
A final waxing is an ideal way to seal the surface of the cue.
Hope this helps.
would any one know where i can get the extension the fits to the bottom of the cue rather than taking off the butt altogether (notthe mini butt)
thanksoh and what would be the normal process of increasing the size of a tip from 8.9mm to 9.5mm..... but nt mushroomed tip (like a whole new ferrule??? or cutting the cue down a bit???)