After some 15 frames of 6-Red, playing with this brand new, 12-splice 3/4 pc. Custom Cue made by my own personal crafters, I have decided to sell at a special cost. I have tried 1-pc cue, with lighter weight, and like the 1-pc cue more.
1. This cue is from one of my finest selection of Ash Wood shafts this year. 5 very nice arrow on the front, 'Blank Belly' on the back (for collector, you know this is rare find), welldried, Stiff with small spring. A real 'AAA class' shaft.
2. 12-splice, with african ebony woods and figured maple. The badge is from our old cue, so this is not genuine paradon. 100% handmade from start to end. SAME QUALITY WITH UT OR OMIN CUES. MADE HERE IN THAILAND, UNDER MY CLOSE ATTENTION, BY PROFESSIONAL TEAM OF CUECRAFTERS.
3. 57 inches, 10mm tip, 18.1 oz. weight, 29mm butt diametre, Slightly forward balance. Solid, heavy, and quick response for long shots.
4. There is nothing wrong with this cue, just that I want my money back for my new 1-pc project. Of course it will be in the same 12 splice model.
5. Selling for only US$220, and no aircost yet. My guarantee is that you can playtest it for 7 days, and return it for full refund on the cue cost. But you won't. This cue is one of the best shaft I have experienced. I will be listing this cue on my ebay store next week in case there is no interest. A quality cue. No additional weight inside the cue at all.
6. Case is not for sale. It's made for our national players only. I just got one through the courtesy of Omin

Show your interest, and get your shipping cost, to my email at :
Thank You for attention.